Using the SmartyStreet SDK this module offers address validation and autocomplete for customer addresses. The validation is performed when a customer adds/edits their address from the Customer Dashboard as well as in the checkout process.
This module requires valid API credentials for SmartyStreets. You can find their pricing options here.
To install this module run the following.
If you don't have Pyxl_Core installed already run this first:
composer config repositories.pyxl-core git
composer require pyxl/core:^1.0.0
bin/magento module:enable Pyxl_Core
Then require this package:
composer config repositories.pyxl-smartystreets git
composer require pyxl/module-smartystreets:^1.0.13
bin/magento module:enable Pyxl_SmartyStreets
bin/magento setup:upgrade
bin/magento cache:clean
Navigate to Stores -> Configuration -> Pyxl -> SmartyStreets
There are two features you can manage.
Under Validation you can enable/disable the address validation feature and provide your Auth Token and ID.
Under Autocomplete you can enable/disable the autocomplete feature and include your website key.
SmartyStreets PHP SDK Documentation can be found here SmartyStreets Javascript SDK Documentation can be found here
- Implement International capabilities for autocomplete
- Provide better handling and user experience if more than one candidate is returned in back-end validation.
- Include billing address form on checkout in autocomplete component
- Refactor some of the code to clean up duplicate efforts
- Joel Rainwater