This module adds in multiple conversion tracking pixels to your Magento 2 theme. You can enable / disable each vendor to fit your needs
NOTE - This module currently supports the FishPig integration for WP Pages, Posts, and Home Page views.
If you don't have Pyxl_Core installed already run this first:
composer config repositories.pyxl-core git
composer require pyxl/core:^1.0.0
bin/magento module:enable Pyxl_Core
Then require this package:
composer config repositories.pyxl-pixels git
composer require pyxl/module-pixels:^1.0.0
bin/magento module:enable Pyxl_Pixels
bin/magento setup:upgrade
bin/magento cache:clean
You will find settings for this module under Stores -> Configuration -> Pyxl -> Pixels
Here you can enable / disable each vendor and for some vendors you can select which events to track.
Facebook Pixel:
- Purchase (Checkout)
- ViewContent
- AddToCart
- Initiate Checkout
- View Page
Pinterest Pixel:
- Conversion (Checkout)
- View Page (product and page/post)
- View Category
- AddToCart
- Search
- ViewHome (cms index and WP front page)
- ViewItem (product page)
- ViewList (category & search pages)
- ViewBasket (cart)
- TrackTransaction (purchase)
- Joel Rainwater
- Justin Rhyne