A Personal Concierge App
Sick of traveling to a new place only to spend the majority of your trip on the phone just trying to decide where to go to eat or what to do for fun? How often are the places rated four stars really that great? How can you really make a good decision based on the opinions of strangers?
Pley is your personal concierge that takes the guess work and "decision paralysis" out of chosing the best lunch option, museum, place to take the kids, or a romantic night out. Whether you are on a staycation and need fresh ideas or if you are traveling accross the globe, Pley Ambassadors can help make your next trip great. Stop wasting time on all those other apps, and start "Pleying"
Register as a new traveler and simply provide basic information about the location, dates, and who you are traveling with (family, all 21 and over, grandma, new husband, etc.). Then you can select the day(s) on your trip for which you would like suggestions. Make a request for lunch on Tuesday, dinner on Friday, hiking on Saturday and a massage on Sunday; the possibilities are truly endless. After you submit your request a personal ambassador, an expert of your destination, will provide you with three curated options for each request. You decide which one sounds best, have an awesome time, and then rate your experience.
The Ambassador side of the app provides the user with all the tools needed to provide great choices for their assigned traveler(s). Integrated with the Yelp API the user can quickly access the basic information for a business and then use that information to build a customized "suggestion card" for their traveler. With drag and drop functionality and a clean, easy-to-use interface, being a great ambassador doesn't require the user to be a tech expert.
A deployed version of the app is available at: https://pley.netlify.com/
Feel free to register as a Traveler and/or Ambassador. Or, you can use the following credentials:
username: [email protected] password: doubledare
username: [email protected] password: thepriceisright
Pley is a full-stack, full responsive, web-application using the create-react-app package, Node, Mongo, and Express.
Heroku and Netlify were used for deployment
Ambassador Dashboard - Ambassador Can View Current and Past Itineraries and All of the Suggestion Cards They Have Created
Ambassador View of Traveler Activities - A Toolbelt Slides from Right Where Ambassador can Create Cards and then Drag and Drop Created Cards Into the Activity
PR Manager - Dylan Nielsen @resputin Design Manager - Miguel Trinidad @emptyelephants Product Manager - Chris Yang @chrisyango Project Manager - Brian Dudey @briandudey