TBMQ 1.1.0 Release
Minor release with the following features, improvements, and bug fixes.
Main features:
- #57 Additional validation for entities to protect from XSS;
- Introduced a dedicated thread pool for Application shared subscriptions processing, corrected stats for the number of active shared subscriptions processors;
- Time-series controller API calls improved validation;
- MQTT client credentials and Application shared subscription entities search by 'contains'.
- Introduced responsive design for the Home page;
- Extended config card on the Home page with parameters related to WebSocket listeners;
- Sorting capabilities on the config card;
- Possibility to view Kafka topics and Kafka consumer groups widgets in full-screen mode on the Home page;
- Added last timestamps to charts on the Home page;
- Added upgrade info and link to the version card on the Home page;
- New quick links to the documentation on the Home page;
- Option to skip changing the default password on the first user login;
- Quality of Service level displayed with respective number.
Bug fixes:
- #52 Spring CORS configuration issue;
- Deny deletion of own sysadmin user by API.
- Fixed making multiple same fetch requests on Home page loading;
- Tooltip display fix for graphs on the Monitoring page;
- Full-screen issue on the Monitoring page.