A dice-rolling Discord bot designed for the Mutants and Masterminds ttrpg system by Green Ronin. Functionality inspired by jwolfman's Kid Robot, all code original.
To run your own copy of the Important Boi, simply download the code, create a discord bot through the discord developer portal, then save the bot's token in a file called auth.txt in the same folder as the downloaded code. Opening run.bat will then boot up your own copy of the bot.
Recognizes the following commands:
$affliction, alias $a or $aff. This command is designed for rolling resistance checks against Afflictions. Usage is as follows:
$a (bonus) (Affliction rank) (number of rolls)
$compare, alias $c or $check. This command is designed for checking the degree of success between two numbers. Usage is as follows:
$c [number] [DC to compare to]
$defense, alias $d or $def. This command is designed for rolling Defend or Deflect rolls. Usage is as follows:
$d (defense) (number of rolls)
$graded, alias $g or $dc. This command is designed for comparing a roll to a specified DC. Usage is as follows:
$g (bonus) (dc)
$other, alias $o. This command is for rolling dice other than d20s. Usage is as follows:
$o (number of rolls)dnumber of sides
$roll, alias $r. This command is for rolling d20s without comparing them to a DC. Usage is as follows:
$r (bonus) (number of rolls)
$toughness, alias $t or $tough. This command is designed for rolling resistance checks against Damage, typically using your Toughness bonus. Usage is as follows:
$t (bonus) (Damage rank) (number of rolls)
$weaken, alias $w or $weak. This command is designed for rolling resistance checks against Weakens. Usage is as follows:
$w (bonus) (Weaken rank) (number of rolls)