This codebase was created to implement a simple rest API with Spring Boot. The application only accepts GET requests to the following URL:
http:////interconnections?departure={departure}&arrival= {arrival}&departureDateTime={departureDateTime}&arrivalDateTime={arrivalDateTime}
- departure - a departure airport IATA code
- departureDateTime - a departure datetime in the departure airport timezone in ISO format
- arrival - an arrival airport IATA code
- arrivalDateTime - an arrival datetime in the arrival airport timezone in ISO format
The application returns a list of Solutions (sequences of flights) departing from a given departure airport not earlier than the specified departure datetime and arriving to a given arrival airport not later than the specified arrival datetime. The list con of:
- all direct flights if available
- all interconnected flights with a maximum of one stop if available
For interconnected flights the difference between the arrival and the next departure is always 2h or greater
You need Java installed.
./gradlew bootRun
open http://localhost:8080
The repository is poor on tests, please contribute by adding tests!
./gradlew test
Please fork and PR to improve the code.