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personal contact/blog/portfolio site (gatsby/netlify rebuild version)


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thephilgray (gatsby blog)

A rebuild of my professional blog/portfolio site with Gatsby.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


Requires node with npm. See Installing Node.js via package manager for installation instructions.

Requires gatsby-cli to be installed globally. See gatsby-cli for more options and details.

npm i -g gatsby-cli

Some instructions also assume you are using git. See Getting Started - Installing Git for installation instructions.


  1. Fork the repo with the Fork button at the top of the repo page.

  2. Clone the forked repo locally and change directory into it.

git clone <forked_github_repo>
cd <forked_github_repo>
  1. Install local dependencies with npm or yarn
npm i


  • Launch the dev server with hot reloading
gatsby develop

# once complete, open the site at `http://localhost:8000/` in the browser
# open GraphiQL in the browser or with GraphQL Playground at `http://localhost:8000/___graphql`

⚠️ Typically, you will want to stop the server and rerun this command after each time you change either gatsby-config or gatsby-node or add new yaml properties to the markdown files. Type control + c to stop the server.

  • Build the static site in the public directory
gatsby build
  • Serve the static site from the public directory
gatsby serve



Deploy with now

❗ This method is currently failing.

  1. Install the latest version of now globally
npm i -g now
  1. Authenticate and or deploy with now


Deploy with netlify (preferred)

  1. Fork the repo.

  2. Sign up for a new account and or login to Netlify.

  3. Click New site from Git

  4. Select the forked repo.

  5. Grant Netlify access to your Github account.

Once these steps are completed. Netlify will deploy the site and provide you with a URL.

Use Netlify CMS

  1. To use Netlify CMS, change the value of repo in static/admin/config.yml to the name of your forked repo.

  2. From your Github account, navigate to Settings > Developer Settings

  3. Choose New OAuth App

  4. Enter a value for Application name and Homepage URL

  5. Enter as the value for Authorization callback URL

  6. Click the submit button to create

  7. From the Netlify panel, navigate to your site dashboard and to Settings > Access Control > OAuth

  8. Click Install provider

  9. In the modal, choose GitHub and enter the Client ID and Client Secret from the new OAuth app you setup on Github.

  10. Now when you navigate to /admin from your site, you should be able to access the admin panel by logging in with your Github account.

Built With



personal contact/blog/portfolio site (gatsby/netlify rebuild version)








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