A NeoVim personalized development evironment with a ronin aesthetic.
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/thenickygee/oni/HEAD/install.sh)"
Supported Operating Systems: MacOS, Linux
- Oni-Nvim A highly customized NeoVim
- WezTerm
- tmux
- Language Servers:
- Themes:
- NerdFonts:
- hack (default)
- mononoki
- go-mono
- jetbrains-mono
nvim +Tutor
neovim -->
To view 'lead' mappings, open nvim and press <Space>
key is the default maplead, change with:vim.g.maplead = "<key>"
Key Mapping | Description |
<Space> o |
Open file explorer (tree view) |
<Space> ff |
Fuzzy finder (find/open file) |
<Shift> l |
Next buffer (tab) |
<Shift> h |
Prev buffer (tab) |
<Ctrl> l |
Next window, right |
<Ctrl> h |
Next window, left |
<Ctrl> j |
Next window, down |
<Ctrl> k |
Next window, up |
neovim: help map tmux list-keys wezterm show-keys bash: alias
Download the [NeoVim Cheet Sheet][cheatsheet] for more NeoVim commands
- Languages:
:LspInstall [language]
- Linters:
:MasonInstall <linter>
- Formatters:
:MasonInstall <formatter>
- Fonts:
brew install --cask font-<font>-nerd-font
Update the user configuration file: ~/.config/nvim/lua/user/init.lua