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Getting Started

Start local dev

  • Install commitizen globally: npm install commitizen -g
  • Install dependencies: npm i
  • Environment variables: cp .env.local.example .env.local
  • Run npm run gen:type
  • Run npm run i18n
  • Run npm run dev, then go to http://localhost:3000/

Build and run production server

npm run build && npm run start

Start local dev with Docker

  • Environment variables: cp .env.local.example .env
  • Set command alias: source bin/dc-alias
  • Build docker image: dc build
  • Run:
    • dc up or dc run --service-ports web npm run dev
    • then go to http://localhost:3000/

NOTE: If new packages are added to package.json, dc up will use npm i to install those packages. But if you are using dc run --service-ports web npm run dev, you need to run dc run web npm i manually to make sure that new packages are installed.

Build with docker

  • Set command alias: source bin/dc-alias
  • dc run web npm run build

Push and pull docker image

  • Set command alias: source bin/dc-alias
  • Build docker image: dc build
  • aws configure, then input your access key and secret
  • Login AWS ECR with $(aws ecr get-login --no-include-email --region ap-southeast-1)
  • Push:
    • docker push
    • docker tag matters-web:latest
  • Pull:
    • docker pull
    • docker tag matters-web:latest


See Playwright Testing Guide.


See Conventions.

Static Files

├── apple-touch-icon.png # favicons
├── favicon-16x16.png
├── icon-96x96.png
├── icons # icons in different sizes
│   ├── 12px
│   │   ├── ...
│   │   └── draft-edit.svg
│   ├── 72px
│   │   ├── ...
│   │   └── empty-warning.svg
│   └── stripe.svg
├── images # illustrations
│   ├── ...
│   └── publish-4.svg
├── manifest.json # configurations
└── opensearch.xml


We use SVGR to transform SVGs into React components. For reusability and bundle optimization:

  • If the icon color isn't static:
    • Replace the values of fill and stroke attributes with currentColor, and
    • Add fill="none" to <svg>.


Apollo Client provides powerful caching capabilities that help optimize performance and user experience. There are 3 main approaches to update the cache:

  • Automatic Updates: Apollo automatically updates the cache for entities with matching IDs
  • Refetching Queries: Force refetch queries after mutations to ensure fresh data
  • Manual Updates: Directly modify the cache for complex scenarios

1. Automatic Updates

const TOGGLE_PIN = gql`
  mutation TogglePin($id: ID!, $pinned: Boolean!) {
    editArticle(input: { id: $id, pinned: $pinned }) {

When to use: For simple mutations that modify a single entity's properties.

Key point: Make sure your mutation returns the same fields that your queries request, including the id field.

2. Refetching Queries

// Update cache by evicting the old data and force to refetch the related queries
const [updateArticle] = useMutation(UPDATE_ARTICLE_MUTATION, {
  update(cache, { data: { updateArticle } }) {
    cache.evict({ id: cache.identify(article) })
  onQueryUpdated(observableQuery) {
    return observableQuery.refetch()

// Or without mutation
  updateCache: (cache) => {
    cache.evict({ id: cache.identify(article) })
  include: ['ArticleDetailPublic'], // Optional: specify queries to refetch

// Update cache by refetching the given queries
// Note: We prefer `update` & `onQueryUpdated` over `refetchQueries`
// as we don't need to know which queries are affected by the mutation
const [updateArticle] = useMutation(UPDATE_ARTICLE_MUTATION, {
  refetchQueries: [
    'ArticleDetailPublic', // By query name
    { query: ARTICLE_DETAIL_PUBLIC, variables: { shortHash } }, // With variables

When to use: When mutations affect multiple entities or when you need to ensure the UI reflects the latest server state. Useful after complex operations like publishing content or when automatic updates aren't sufficient. This approach ensures all related pages and components are updated with the latest data.

3. Manual Updates

// use readQuery and writeQuery
const [addComment] = useMutation(ADD_COMMENT, {
  update(cache, { data: { addComment } }) {
    const { article } = cache.readQuery({
      query: GET_ARTICLE,
      variables: { id: articleId },

      query: GET_ARTICLE,
      variables: { id: articleId },
      data: {
        article: {
          comments: [...article.comments, addComment],

// use cache.modify
const [deleteComment] = useMutation(DELETE_COMMENT, {
  update(cache, { data: { deleteComment } }) {
      id: cache.identify({ __typename: 'Article', id: articleId }),
      fields: {
        comments(existingComments = [], { readField }) {
          return existingComments.filter(
            (commentRef) => readField('id', commentRef) !==

When to use: For operations that modify relationships between entities, when invalidating stale data. This approach is useful for updating the current page's data without requiring a full refetch.

Common Patterns

  • Optimistic Updates: Immediately update UI before server responds
  • Cache Normalization: Apollo stores entities by ID to avoid duplication
  • Pagination: Use field policies with keyArgs for paginated data
  • Type Policies: Configure how specific types are stored and merged

For more details, see the Mutations, Refetching queries, and Caching in Apollo Client.


VS Code


See .vscode/settings.json


See .vscode/extensions.json



For vim users, you might want to see .vim/.vimrc (using vim-plug).