An example of installing mongo shell and tools in a docker container.
- mongodb-org-shell, contains the mongo shell.
- mongodb-org-tools, contains the following MongoDB tools: mongoimport bsondump, mongodump, mongoexport, mongofiles, mongorestore, mongostat, and mongotop.
docker build --rm -t thelebster/mongo-shell-example .
docker run -ti --rm --name mongo-shell-example -d thelebster/mongo-shell-example
docker exec -it mongo-shell-example bash
docker run -ti --rm --name mongo-shell-example -v "$PWD"/data:/var/mongo/data -d thelebster/mongo-shell-example
docker exec -it mongo-shell-example mongoexport --host --port 27017 --collection MONGODB_COLLECTION --db MONGODB_NAME --jsonArray --out /var/mongo/data/"$(date +"%m_%d_%Y-%H:%M")".json
docker exec -it mongo-shell-example mongodump --host --port 27017 --db MONGODB_NAME --gzip --archive=/var/mongo/data/"$(date +"%m_%d_%Y-%H:%M")".gz