A card game system written in Java upon which it is possible to build various games
A deck of cards. Contains the shuffle operation, print deck, peek top card, peek bottom card, remove top card, add to top, add to bottom, and deal hand
A player's hand. Contains remove first card (for games like War), print hand, get size, and add to hand
A single playing card consists of a value and a suit
A card game player. Players have hands, and operations like play card
Represents the game table with a varying number of "sides" that players sit on, useful for games where players lay cards in front of them as part of gameplay.
A game to test the functionality of deck, card, player, and hand manipulation.
Various classes are associated with just this game including WarGUI, WarController.
A poker hand evaluator for hands that have 5 cards.
Compile and run GUITest.java or WarGame.java
This project can be opened in Eclipse or IntelliJ, the project file is in IntelliJ's format.
Optionally, compile and run from the terminal:
javac GUITest.java
java GUITest
javac WarGame.java
java WarGame
All card images are provided in Cards/assets/. They are named as such:
8 of Clubs => c8.png
King of Hearts => h13.png