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Manage inventory, prices and stocks of items in your grocery store with stunning easy-to-use UI


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Grocer: Grocery Store Manager

💡 Web app using PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, HTML & CSS for Grocery Store Owners to manage products and employees.

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Table of Contents
  1. About The Project
  2. Getting Started
  3. Usage
  4. Roadmap
  5. Contributing
  6. License
  7. Contact
  8. Acknowledgments

About Grocer: Grocery Store Manager

Grocer is a web app that makes it easier for Grocery Store owners to focus on their business growth rather than wasting time on management. It is built using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, MySQL, Xampp & Apache. The best UI you will see for a management system web app, Grocery is your key to:

  1. Simplified in-store inventory management: Grocer offers a user-friendly interface for store owners to easily add, remove, and edit product details like name, price, quantity, and quality. This eliminates the need for manual record-keeping and streamlines stock management.
  2. Improved data accuracy and organization: By centralizing product information in a digital platform, Grocer minimizes errors and ensures consistent, accessible data for informed decision-making.
  3. Enhanced employee management: Streamlining employee data management with add/remove functionality simplifies administrative tasks and helps maintain accurate personnel records.
  4. Cost-effective solution: Grocer requires no initial hardware investment and relies on web-based access, making it a more affordable option compared to traditional inventory management systems.

Key features of Grocer:

  1. Inventory Management: Add, remove, edit product details (name, quantity, price, quality).
  2. Employee Management: Add, remove, edit employee data.
  3. Product Overview: View comprehensive list of all available products with key details.
  4. Customer Management: View all data of customers

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Built With PHP

PHP is a popular general-purpose scripting language that powers everything from your blog to the most popular websites in the world.

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Getting Started

This is an example of how you may give instructions on setting up your project locally. To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.


Make sure you have git installed, type git --version in your cmd. (git official download page:

git --version

Also, install xampp to run the project on localhost. (xampp download link:
Installation process:


Steps to install code into your local device and run using localhost:

  1. Fork this repository (and leave a star if you like) by click on the fork button on the top right side.
  2. From your copy of this repo located grocer-grocery-store-manager, copy the code link:
  3. Locate to: C://xampp/htdocs/
  4. Open terminal and locate to htdocs
cd C://xampp/htdocs

  1. Clone your copy of this repo using git clone link-you-copied-in-step-2
git clone

  1. Rename grocer-grocery-store-manager folder to myFolder
  2. Open the folder myFolder in your code editor (I use VS Code) & start coding.
  3. Download PHP Extensions in VS Code
  4. Run Apache and MySQL in Xampp
  5. Go to Chrome Browser and go to http://localhost/myFolder/ to run the program
  6. Create a database named grocer with 3 tables in http://localhost/phpmyadmin/
  7. Create a table named product and add 4 columns Pid Pname Pprice Pstock
  8. Create a table named customer and add 4 columns Cid Cname Caddress Cphone
  9. Create a table named employee and add 5 columns Eid Ename Esalary Eaddress Ephone

(If not working: do check PORT number issues in Xampp)

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username: cust password: 123


username: owner password: 123

For more examples, please refer to the Documentation_

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  • Create Login page
  • Create Register page
  • Store login credentials in MySQL Database
  • While registering, set username and password (instead of manual entering/hardcoding)
  • Create Main page
  • Add, edit and delete product and its details. Store it in MySQL Table.
  • Display product list and its details by retrieving data from MySQL table.
  • Add or remove employee. Update MySQL table.

See the open issues for a full list of proposed features (and known issues).

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Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.

If you have a suggestion that would make this better, please fork the repo and create a pull request. You can also simply open an issue with the tag "enhancement". Don't forget to give the project a star! Thanks again!

How to get access to my project:

  1. Fork this repository (and leave a star if you like) by click on the fork button on the top right side.
  2. From your copy of this repo located grocer-grocery-store-manager, copy the code link:
  3. Locate to: C://xampp/htdocs/
  4. Open terminal and locate to htdocs
cd C://xampp/htdocs

  1. Clone your copy of this repo using git clone link-you-copied-in-step-2
git clone

  1. Rename grocer-grocery-store-manager folder to myFolder

  2. Open the folder myFolder in your code editor (I use VS Code) & start coding.

  3. Download PHP Extensions in VS Code

  4. Run Apache and MySQL in Xampp

  5. Go to Chrome Browser and go to http://localhost/myFolder/ to run the program

  6. Create a database named grocer with 3 tables in http://localhost/phpmyadmin/

  7. Create a table named product and add 4 columns Pid Pname Pprice Pstock

  8. Create a table named customer and add 4 columns Cid Cname Caddress Cphone

  9. Create a table named employee and add 5 columns Eid Ename Esalary Eaddress Ephone

  10. Navigate to the root folder of this project

cd C://xampp/htdocs/myFolder

  1. DO NOT MAKE CHANGES TO THE main BRANCH, create your own branch and name it your name
git branch my-user-name

  1. Confirm that your new branch my-user-name is created
git branch

  1. Select your new branch my-user-name and work on that branch only
git checkout my-user-name

  1. Confirm that you are in your branch my-user-name and NOT on main
git branch

Staying up-to-date with original code:

  1. You have to shift to main branch first but do NOT push to main branch
git checkout main

  1. Perform a pull to stay updated. It must show Already up-to-date
git pull

  1. Now you have to shift back to your branch my-user-name again before you can continue editing code
git checkout my-user-name

  1. Perform a pull again in my-user-name your own branch
git pull

Once you are ready to push the changes, follow these steps:

  1. Confirm you are in my-user-name your own branch
git branch

  1. Push the changes
git add .
git commit -m "issue #24 fixed"

  1. Choose git push origin HEAD, do NOT choose git push origin HEAD:master
git push
git push origin HEAD

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Distributed under the MIT License. Click for more information.

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Akhin Abraham - - [email protected]

Repository Link:

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Here are some resource links to help with this project and it's contribution:

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Manage inventory, prices and stocks of items in your grocery store with stunning easy-to-use UI





