I'm @theaaronhanks. I am a recent graduate from Utah State University. I am interested in many areas of software development including developing websites and mobile applications, as well as artificial intelligence and other emerging technologies. I love to listen to music and play board games.
I currently work as a Software Engineer at RevRoad. RevRoad is a Venture Services firm, where essential business services such as development, marketing, capital, and sales are provided in exchange for equity. I am working on a project for Nomyx, one of RevRoad's portfolio companies.
In my current job I have learned how to pick up new languages and frameworks quickly. I recently transitioned from a project using a Laravel/PHP backend and a Vue3 frontend, to working with Next.js and a Parse Server. Additionally, I have begun learning about blockchain technologies writing Solidity code, and deploying to the Ethereum blockchain.
Contact me by email at [email protected]