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Classic Remoting API

Hagen Siegel edited this page Jun 6, 2021 · 2 revisions

To support classic .NET Remoting patterns, CoreRemoting offers a special additional API, the Classic Remoting API. This is especially useful, when migrating existing .NET Remoting applications to CoreRemoting.

CoreRemotig Classic Remoting API provides the following features:

Class Method Description
RemotingConfiguration Configure Declarative service registration via XML configuration file
RemotingConfiguration RegisterWellKnownServiceType Manual service registration without Dependency Injection
RemotingServices Marshal Registration of an object as service
RemotingServices Connect Creating a proxy without knowing the RemotingClient object
RemotingServices IsTransparentProxy Determine if an object is a proxy or a real object
RemotingServices IsOneWay Determine if an method of a proxy is defined as [OneWay]
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