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A parser for the free proxy list on HideMyAss!

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I was reading this article on the blog of the Blue Shell Group, and I thought at first "Meh, it'll just be parsing". But when I read the second part of the article, and saw how HideMyAss! didn't want you to parse its proxy list, the mischief that I am wanted to do nothing else but parse its proxy list.

So here's my implementation in Python of a parser for the free proxy list on HideMyAss! I hope someone will find it useful.


Oh, and I'm not responsible for anything that happens to you or that you do using these proxies. If someone gets pwned, don't look at me.


All you need is Python 3, and the Python requests library.


Just go to the hide_my_python directory and type the following command:

./ -o <output_file>

where output_file is the database file where the proxies will be stored.

Don't forget to make the script executable with:

chmod +x

To see a list of the options, just issue:

./ -h
usage: hide_my_python [-h] -o DATABASE_FILE [-n NUMBER_OF_PROXIES]
					  [-ct COUNTRIES_FILE] [-p PORTS [PORTS ...]]
					  [-pr {http,https,socks} [{http,https,socks} ...]] [-a]
					  [-ka] [-s] [-c] [-v]

A parser to retrieve proxies from HideMyAss!

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -o DATABASE_FILE      database file where the proxies will be saved
  -n NUMBER_OF_PROXIES  maximum number of proxies to retrieve (default: all)
  -ct COUNTRIES_FILE    file containing the countries where the proxies can be
						based (default: countries_all)
  -p PORTS [PORTS ...]  list of ports (max: 20 ports) the proxies listen on
						(default: every port)
  -pr {http,https,socks} [{http,https,socks} ...]
						protocols used by the proxies (default: HTTP, HTTPS
						and SOCKS4/5)
  -a                    flag used to determine the proxies minimum anonymity
						level, e.g. -a sets the minimum anonymity level to
						Low, -aa to Medium, -aaa to High, etc. (default
						minimum level: None)
  -ka                   flag used to determine if proxies with the Keep Alive
						option should be returned, as they are likely honey
						pots (default: no)
  -s                    flag used to determine the proxies minimum speed
						level, e.g. -s sets the minimum speed level to Medium,
						-ss to Fast (default minimum level: Slow)
  -c                    flag used to determine the proxies minimum connection
						time level, e.g. -c sets the minimum connection time
						level to Medium, -cc to Fast (default minimum level:
  -v                    explain what is being done

Go to to see the different available

Database file

The proxies will be saved in this file. If the file doesn't exist, it will be created. If it exists, the proxies will be appended to it (the file won't be overwritten). The database contains only one table, named proxies, with the following structure:

  • id: a unique identifier (type: INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT)
  • ip: the proxy's IP address (type: TEXT)
  • port: the port the proxy listens on (type: INTEGER)
  • type: the type of the proxy (HTTP, HTTPS or SOCKS4/5) (type: TEXT)
  • country: the country the proxy is based in (type: TEXT)
  • anonymity: the anonymity level guarantied by the proxy (type: TEXT)
  • speed: the speed level of the proxy (type: TEXT)
  • connection_time: the connection time of the proxy (type: TEXT)

Number of proxies

If this argument is defined, the script will only return the first n proxies he finds. Otherwise, every found proxy will be returned. For example:

./ -n 25 -o output.db

will only return the first 25 proxies.

Countries file

The script will only return proxies based in the countries specified in this file. To see a complete list of the available countries, see the file countries_all.


The script will only return proxies listening on the specified ports. You can specify up to 20 different ports. For example:

./ -p 80 8080 443 -o output.db

will only return proxies listening either on port 80, 8080, or 443.


The script will only return proxies using the specified protocols. The possible protocols are HTTP, HTTPS, and SOCKS4/5. For example:

./ -pr http socks -o output.db

will only return proxies using HTTP or SOCKS4/5.


The script will only return proxies guarantying an anonymity level greater than the one specified by the user. HideMyAss! proxies have these anonymity levels:

  • None
  • Low
  • Medium
  • High
  • High + Keep Alive

WARNING: Here's what HideMyAss! has to say on proxies with Keep Alive:

If a high-anonymous proxy supports keep-alive you can consider it to be extremely-anonymous. However, such a host is highly possible to be a honey-pot.

Use these proxies at your own risk!

By default, the script doesn't take into account the proxies' anonymity (they can have an anonymity level of None, High, Medium, ...). But this command:

./ -a -o output.db

will only return proxies with an anonymity level of at least Low.

This command:

./ -aa -o output.db

will only return proxies with an anonymity level of at least Medium.

Keep Alive

As said on the HideMyAss! proxy list, proxies with the Keep Alive option are most likely honey pots. In order to avoid them, the script, by default, doesn't retrieve proxies with an anonymity level of High +KA. If you want proxies with the Keep Alive option, use this flag:

./ -ka -o output.db


The script will only return proxies guarantying a speed level greater than the one specified by the user. HideMyAss! proxies have these speed levels:

  • Slow
  • Medium
  • Fast

By default, the script doesn't take into account the proxies' speed (they can have a speed of Slow, Medium, Fast). But this command:

./ -s -o output.db

will only return proxies with a speed level of at least Medium.

This command:

./ -ss -o output.db

will only return proxies with a speed level of at least Fast.

Connection time

The script will only return proxies guarantying a connection time level greater than the one specified by the user. HideMyAss! proxies have these connection time levels:

  • Slow
  • Medium
  • Fast

By default, the script doesn't take into account the proxies' connection time (they can have a connection time of Slow, Medium, Fast). But this command:

./ -c -o output.db

will only return proxies with a connection time level of at least Medium.

This command:

./ -cc -o output.db

will only return proxies with a connection time level of at least Fast.

Verbose mode

If the -v flag is used, the script will described what is being done. First, it will display the arguments, then it will print the progress of the parsing.

./ -o output.db -p 80 8080 -n 100 -v
[info] number of proxies: 100
[info] countries: ['China', 'Indonesia', 'United States', 'Brazil', 'Venezuela'] and 86 more
[info] ports: 80, 8080
[info] protocols: ['http', 'https', 'socks']
[info] anonymity: ['None', 'Low', 'Medium', 'High']
[info] speed: ['Medium', 'High']
[info] retrieved 100/100 proxies


HideMyPython! - A parser for the free proxy list on HideMyAss!

Yannick Méheut [useless (at) utouch (dot) fr] - Copyright © 2013

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see


A parser for the free proxy list on HideMyAss!







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