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Elia Schelokov edited this page Nov 26, 2015 · 5 revisions



Type: (source: any): string

Dump a value using #dump() and then stringify it using given serializer (JSON by default). All arguments are passed to serializer#serialize() with first argument dumped.


conv.serialize(new Date) // returns '{"$Date":"2015-06-07T12:34:56.789Z"}'


Type: (dumped: string): any

Parse a value using given serializer (JSON by default) then restore it using #restore(). All arguments are passed to serializer#parse() with first argument restored.


conv.parse('{"$Date":"2015-06-07T12:34:56.789Z"}') // returns new instance of Date


Type: (source: any): JSONValue

This method is called in #serialize(), preparing a value for serialization from top to bottom. It does the following:

  • finds appropriate spec (does not modify value if no spec found),
  • calls spec.dump() method,
  • recursively calls itself each property or element of the dumped value,
  • wraps result using prefix, token and namespace, turning dumped into {$namespace.Token: dumped}.


conv.dump(new Date) // returns object: {$Date: '2015-06-07T12:34:56.789Z'}


Type: (dumped: JSONValue): any

This method is called in #parse(), restoring source value from dumped form from bottom to top. It does the following:

  • recursively calls itself for each property or element of the dumped value,
  • find appropriate spec using prefix, token and namespace (does not modify value if no spec found),
  • unwraps the dumped value turning {$namespace.Token: dumped} into dumped,
  • calls spec.restore() on the result.


conv.restore({$Date: '2015-06-07T12:34:56.789Z'}) // returns new instance of Date


Type: (conv: spec|spec[]|CompositeConv|CompositeConv[]): CompositeConv

Creates new converter extending this with new convertible types. Throws an error when resulting spec list is inconsistent:

  • when any class is in more than one class spec,
  • when any prototype is in more then one proto spec,
  • when there are two equal tokens in the same namespace. Prefix and serializer are taken from the first converter.


class Dummy {}
var conv = conv.extendWith({class: Dummy, dump: () => null});

conv.serialize(new Dummy); // returns '{"$Dummy": null}'
conv.parse('{"$Dummy": null}'); // returns new instance of Dummy


Type: (conv: spec|spec[]|CompositeConv|CompositeConv[]): CompositeConv

Creates new converter, works as #extendWith() but overrides former specs when the spec list becomes inconsistent. Prefix and serializer are taken from the last converter.


var conv = conv.overrideBy({
    class: Date,
    encode: "valueOf"
conv.serialize(new Date); // returns '{"$Date":"2015-06-07T12:34:56.789Z"}'
conv.serialize(new Date);   // returns '{"$Date": 1433680496789}'



    class?: Constructor,
    proto?: object,
    token?: string,
    namespace?: string
}): CompositeConv

Creates new converter with given class, prototype, token or namespace excluded. Also there is a difference in putting token and namespace together in contrast to specifying just one property:

  • just token: remove a single spec with the same token and no namespace;
  • both properties: remove a single spec with the same token and namespace;
  • just namespace: remove all specs with that namespace.


var conv1 = require('conv'),
    conv2 = conv1.exclude({class: Date})

conv1.serialize(new Date) // returns '{"$Date":"2015-06-07T12:34:56.789Z"}'
conv2.serialize(new Date) // returns '"2015-06-07T12:34:56.789Z"'


Type: (options: options): CompositeConv

Creates new converter with some options changed.


var conv = conv.withOptions({prefix: '#'});
conv.serialize(new Date); // returns '{"$Date":"2015-06-07T12:34:56.789Z"}'
conv.serialize(new Date);   // returns '{"#Date":"2015-06-07T12:34:56.789Z"}'