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Releases: textmate/latex.tmbundle

LaTeX Bundle (1.7.0)

01 Aug 06:45
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🐛✨ Clean

  • Fixed: The command “Clean” will not remove files in hidden directories such as .git anymore. Before this change the command could possibly also remove important files, such as index files (.idx) in a Git repository.
  • Improved: The command will now also remove files that end with the extension vrb. Beamer produces these auxiliary files if you create a frame environment using the option fragile.
  • Improved: “Clean” now also removes files with the extension .mw. The minted package creates these files if you use the option escapeinside.

🐛 Completion Commands

  • Fixed: Completion commands such as “Label Based on Current Word…” could not properly locate files deep within the TeX folder structure. This meant that the bundle would properly locate a TeX file such as ~/Library/texmf/tex/macro.tex, but would fail if the file was located in the directory ~/Library/texmf/tex/latex.

  • Fixed: We now ignore bibliography items without keys. Before this change the command “Citation Based on Current Word” would fail, if a bibliography file contained a citation without a key such as

      @misc {   , title = "Missing Cite Key!" }

    . This was problematic, since some tools such as JabRef allow users to save such bibliography entries.

✨ Double Quotes

  • Improved: The command “Wrap Selection in” → “Double Quotes” now places the caret inside the double quotes (``'') if there is no selection.

🐛 Help

  • Fixed: Opening the Help document would not work, if the LateX bundle was stored on a case-sensitive file system.

🐛 Reformat Table

  • Fixed: “Tables” → “Reformat” now formats tables that contain numbers inside bracket characters correctly.

    For example: The command would transform the table code

              1 & [2]\\
    3 &     4\\

    into the following code

    3 & 4\\

    . After the change the command now formats the table correctly:

    1 & [2]\\
    3 &   4\\


✨ Tidy

  • Improved: The command now adds two blank lines before each \section, and one blank line before each \subsection.
  • Improved “Tidy” now restores \labels adjacent to \begin, \end, \section and suchlike. This way appropriate \labels remain visible when code is folded.

🐛Typeset & View (PDF)

  • Fixed: “Typeset & View (PDF)” would translate a file using PDFLaTeX, if the document included the package pstricks. This was even the case, if we specified a different default engine in “LaTeX” → “Preferences”. Since nowadays the package pstricks should also work in other engines, such as XeLaTeX, we remove this automatic engine switch.

🐛Watch Document

  • Fixed: “Watch Document” now also removes the bundle cache file again (, after we close the preview program.


  • Improved: The bundle now correctly recognizes textcite and Textcite as citation commands.


Minimum OS: macOS 10.7

Tested With:

  • TextMate 2.0 (rc.4)
  • macOS 10.12.6

LaTeX Bundle (1.6.0)

29 Jun 16:17
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🆕 Convert Symbols in Word / Selection

This command acts as replacement for the macro “Convert ASCII Symbol to LaTeX Command”. “Convert Symbols in Word / Selection” replaces special characters and certain sequences of characters with an equivalent LaTeX symbol. It works either on the current selection, or – if there is no selection — on the current word.

For example, if you select the following characters:

<=> -> → =>

and press +&, then TextMate replaces the selection with the following LaTeX commands:

\Leftrightarrow \rightarrow \rightarrow \Rightarrow

For more information about this new command, please take a look at the section “Symbol Conversion” in the bundle documentation (“LaTeX”→“Help”).

🐛 Clean

  • Fixed: Before this release the HTML output of “Clean” would be incorrect if the filename of a TeX file in the current directory contained spaces. For example: If the current directory contained the file file with spaces.aux, then “Clean” would display the following:
  Removed file
  Removed with
  Removed spaces.aux

✨ Double Quotes

  • Improved: “Double Quotes”: Change shortcut to ^ + "

    The new shortcut reflects the intention of the command – wrapping the current selection in double quotes – a little bit better than the old one.

✨ Help

  • Improved: Use one continuous page for documentation

✨ Previous Cell

  • Improved: Use shortcut ^ + +

    Before this change, the shortcut for “Previous Cell” was ^ + (Reverse Tab). In theory we can enter reverse tab by combining and . However this procedure does not work in current versions of TextMate.

🐛 Typeset & View (PDF)

🐛 Watch Document

  • Fixed: “Watch Document” now properly removes auxiliary files, even if the filename contains characters that have a special meaning inside a regular expression. For example, if you call your master file [A → B].tex and quit Skim, then TextMate will now remove auxiliary files such as [A → B].aux.


✨ Grammar

  • Improved: Make lstinline behave like verb (thanks to Max Willsey)

✨ Menu

  • Improved: Merge “List” menu items

    Before this change we had two menu groups for commands concerning lists:

    • “Environments” → “Lists” and
    • “Lists”

    . Now we have only one: “Lists”.

  • Improved: Move item “Math”

    Before this change menu items related to the math environment were located in “Environments”→“Math”. Now they are directly accessible via the main menu item “Math”.


Minimum OS: OS X 10.7

Tested With:

  • TextMate 2.0 (beta.10)
  • OS X 10.11.5

LaTeX Bundle (1.5.0)

10 Feb 20:05
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  • [Fixed]: “Clean” removed files even if just the last
    characters of the filename matched one of the extensions specified in


  • [Fixed]: Skim would crash if we selected multiple lines in TextMate and used “Typeset & View (PDF)” or “Jump to Current Line in Viewer”.


Minimum OS Version: OS X 10.7

Tested With:

TextMate 2.0 (beta 8.5)
OS X 10.11.3

LaTeX Bundle (1.4.0)

30 Dec 17:18
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Memoir Document Class

  • [Improved]: We now support extended headings such as \chapter[toc-name][header-name]{long-name}. This change fixes issue #136.


  • [Fixed]: Disable format commands such as “Bold”, “Italic” and “Underline” inside source code.


Minimum OS Version: OS X 10.7

Tested With:

TextMate 2.0 (beta 8.5)
OS X 10.11.2

LaTeX Bundle (1.3.0)

02 Nov 16:08
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  • [Fixed]: Commands that use latex.rb and call kpsewhich (e.g. “Citation Based on Current Word”) now also work under OS X 10.11 if kpsewhich is not accessible via PATH.
  • [Fixed]: “Typeset & View (PDF)” now also works correctly if the current tex file contains errors and the command mate is not accessible via PATH.


Minimum OS Version: OS X 10.7

Tested With:

TextMate 2.0 (beta 8.1)
OS X 10.11

LaTeX Bundle (1.2.0)

10 Oct 16:37
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Auxiliary Files

  • [Fixed]: „Clean” and “Watch document” (if you close the PDF viewer) now properly remove .synctex.gz files.
  • [Improved]: Add .lot and .lof to the list of auxiliary files.

Create Table

  • [Improved]: The code that the command produces now left justifies text in table cells. The old behaviour of centering text makes sense in some situations. However, most people probably want text to start on the left of table cells by default.

Open Included Item

  • [Improved]: The command works now, even if PATH does not include the location of kpsewhich.

Reformat Table

  • [Improved]: The command does not add a newline at the beginning of the formatted table code any more.
  • [Improved]: The command now also ends the last line of the table code with double backslashes.

Smart Pairs

  • [Improved]: The bundle now supports the following additional smart pairs:
    • „“
    • ‚‘
    • «»
    • ‹›
    • ||
      To surround selected text by one of the above character pairs, just press the key combination that inserts the first character.


  • [Improved]: The command works now, even if PATH does not include the location of kpsewhich.


  • [Improved]: Better support for latexindent. No need to manually install YAML::Tiny any more. To use latexindent – instead of “LaTeX Tidy” – when you invoke “Tidy”, just set the environment variable TM_LATEX_FORMATTER to the value latexindent.

Watch Document

  • [Fixed]: The command now properly removes auxiliary files that contain special characters, if you close the PDF viewer.


Minimum OS Version: OS X 10.7

Tested With:

TextMate 2.0 (beta 8)
OS X 10.11

LaTeX Bundle (1.1.1)

19 Aug 22:07
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Watch Document

  • [Fixed]: The command did not work if the Perl module YAML was not installed


Minimum OS Version: OS X 10.7

Tested With:

TextMate 2.0 (beta 7.7)
OS X 10.11 (Public Beta 3)

LaTeX Bundle (1.1.0)

18 Aug 18:30
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Command Completion

  • [New] Add documentation (see Help→Working With LaTeX→Completion→Commands)

Create Table

  • [Improved] Improve style of (full) table
  • [New] Add keyboard shortcut for checkbox “Tabular Only” ( + + T)


  • [Improved] Support for MacTeX under OS X 10.11

Show Outline

  • [Improved] Handle missing included files
  • [Fixed] Fix broken file links


Minimum OS Version: OS X 10.7

Tested With:

TextMate 2.0 (beta 7.7)
OS X 10.11 (Public Beta 3)

LaTeX Bundle (1.1.0 beta 1)

08 Aug 15:26
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Create Table

  • [New] Add documentation (see Help→Working With LaTeX→Automated Typing→Table Environments)
  • [New] Insert table or tabular environment
  • [New] Easier to use interface
  • [Improved] Check for proper user input
  • [Improved] Command respects current tab settings

Include Code Listing

  • [New] File drop command to insert code listings (see Help→Working With LaTeX→Advanced Tasks→Drag and Drop)

Watch Document

  • [New] Warn user if latexmk can not be located
  • [Fixed] Unusual high amount of viewer refresh cycles when the document includes the package minted


Minimum OS Version: OS X 10.7

Tested With:

TextMate 2.0 (beta 7.7)
OS X 10.11 (Public Beta 3)

LaTeX Bundle (1.0.0)

08 Aug 14:51
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“Initial release”


Minimum OS Version: OS X 10.7

Tested With:

  • TextMate 2.0 (beta 7.7)
  • OS X 10.10.4