This project is archived and read-only.
- Ruby
- Ruby 2.6
- Google Chrome
gem install bundler
bundle install
bundle exec rake
bundle exec rake rubocop
- #47 Bump site_prism from 3.4.2 to 3.7
- #50 Bump rspec from 3.9.0 to 3.10.0
- #61 Bump rake from 13.0.1 to 13.0.3
- #67 Bump capybara from 3.33.0 to 3.35.3
- #68 Bump rubocop from 0.92.0 to 1.9.1
- #71 Update branch name
- #72 Update cache setting
- #73 Bump webdrivers from 4.4.1 to 4.5.0
- #74 Bump ruby from 2.6 to 2.7
- #75 Bump rubocop from 1.9.1 to 1.10.0
- #76 Bump site_prism from 3.7 to 3.7.1
- #38 Bump rubocop from 0.88.0 to 0.89.1
- #30 Bump rubocop from 0.86.0 to 0.88.0
- #31 Update Dependabot config file
- #32 update actions and dependabot
- #35 move to ja site
- #20 Bump webdrivers from 4.3.0 to 4.4.0
- #21 Bump rubocop from 0.84.0 to 0.85.0
- #22 Bump webdrivers from 4.4.0 to 4.4.1
- #24 Security Bump rack from 2.2.2 to 2.2.3
- #25 Bump capybara from 3.32.2 to 3.33.0
- #26 Bump rubocop from 0.85.0 to 0.86.0
- #12 webdrivers gemを導入
- #14 Dependabotを導入
- #15 Bump rubocop from 0.82.0 to 0.84.0
- #16 Bump capybara from 3.32.1 to 3.32.2
- #18 Github actions/cacheをv2にアップデート
- #3 Github ActionsにmacOSとWindowsランナーを追加
- #6 テストデータのアドレスをexample.comに修正
- #7 日付入力が空の場合のテストを追加
- #9 windowsクローズのアサーションを修正
- 正式リリース