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xcmonkey is a tool for doing stress testing of iOS apps. It's inspired by and has similar goals to monkey on Android.

Under the hood, xcmonkey uses iOS Development Bridge as a driver, that's why it's pretty smart and can do a lot of things, such as taps, swipes and presses. All that comes «pseudo-random» because it has access to the screen hierarchy, and so can either do actions blindly (like tapping on random points) or precisely (like tapping on the existing elements).


brew install facebook/fb/idb-companion
pip3.6 install fb-idb


gem install xcmonkey

If you prefer to use bundler, add the following line to your Gemfile:

gem 'xcmonkey'


To run a stress test

$ xcmonkey test --event-count 100 --bundle-id "" --udid "413EA256-CFFB-4312-94A6-12592BEE4CBA"

12:44:19.343: Device info: {
  "name": "iPhone 14 Pro",
  "udid": "413EA256-CFFB-4312-94A6-12592BEE4CBA",
  "state": "Booted",
  "type": "simulator",
  "os_version": "iOS 16.2",
  "architecture": "x86_64",
  "path": "/tmp/idb/413EA256-CFFB-4312-94A6-12592BEE4CBA_companion.sock",
  "is_local": true,
  "companion": "/tmp/idb/413EA256-CFFB-4312-94A6-12592BEE4CBA_companion.sock"

12:44:22.550: App info: {
  "bundle_id": "",
  "name": "Maps",
  "install_type": "system",
  "architectures": [
  "process_state": "Running",
  "debuggable": false,
  "pid": "49186"

12:44:23.203: Tap: {
  "x": 53,
  "y": 749

12:44:23.511: Swipe (0.5s): {
  "x": 196,
  "y": 426
} => {
  "x": 143,
  "y": 447

12:44:24.355: Press (1.2s): {
  "x": 143,
  "y": 323

To repeat the stress test from generated session

xcmonkey repeat --session-path "./xcmonkey-session.json"

To describe the required point

xcmonkey describe -x 20 -y 625 --udid "413EA256-CFFB-4312-94A6-12592BEE4CBA"

Test options reference

The table below lists all options you can include on the xcmonkey test command line.

Category Option Description Default
General -h, --help Display help documentation
-v, --version Display version information
-t, --trace Display backtrace when an error occurs
Events -u, --udid <string> Set device UDID
-b, --bundle-id <string> Set target bundle identifier
-s, --session-path <string> Path where test session should be saved
-e, --event-count <integer> Set events count 60
--exclude-taps Exclude taps from gestures list false
--exclude-swipes Exclude swipes from gestures list false
--exclude-presses Exclude presses from gestures list false
--disable-simulator-keyboard Disable simulator keyboard false
Debugging --ignore-crashes Ignore app crashes false
--throttle <milliseconds> Fixed delay between events 0

fastlane integration

To get started with xcmonkey fastlane plugin, add it to your project by running:

fastlane add_plugin xcmonkey


lane :monkey_test do
  bundle_id = ''
  device = 'iPhone 14'
  sim = FastlaneCore::Simulator.all.filter { |d| == device }.max_by(&:os_version)
  udid = sim.udid

  xcmonkey(udid: udid, bundle_id: bundle_id)

Code of Conduct

Help us keep xcmonkey open and inclusive. Please read and follow our Code of Conduct.


This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license. See the LICENSE file.


Challenge your apps on iOS with monkey testing 📱🐒



Code of conduct




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