Garage Door Opener Using a Raspberry Pi - Forked from Chris Driscoll's Original Code
Differences from Chris Driscoll's version:
- Added a second door sensor
- Now supports a normal garage door (front) for a car, as well as a side/back door
- GPIO 18 used for "FRONT DOOR"
- GPIO 27 used for "BACK DOOR"
- Added a temperature sensor
- GPIO 4 (Pin 7)
- Used a 1-Wire DS18B20 temperature sensor, supported by WebIOPi
- Less Doge...because I am boring. :-/
Garage Door Pi Screenshot from an iPhone
- Follow Chris Driscoll's Guide.
- Use the files in this repo instead of the HTML files in the guide. They should otherwise be placed in the same folder.
- Add the line below to the
section of/etc/webiopi/config
Garage = DS18B20