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Gravatar Helper for CodeIgniter

Gravatar Helper functions to utilize with CodeIgniter 2.x and 3.x or Standard PHP Application.


  1. Copy gravatar_helper.php to your application/helpers folder.
  2. Autoload the helper in application/config/autoload.php: $autoload['helper'] = array('gravatar');
  3. Use helper functions as needed.


 * Get either a Gravatar URL or complete image tag for a specified email address.
 * @param string $email The email address
 * @param int $s Size in pixels, defaults to 80px [ 1 - 2048 ]
 * @param string $d Default imageset to use [ 404 | mm | identicon | monsterid | wavatar ]
 * @param string $r Maximum rating (inclusive) [ g | pg | r | x ]
 * @param bool $img True to return a complete IMG tag False for just the URL
 * @param array $atts Optional, additional key/value attributes to include in the IMG tag
 * @return String containing either just a URL or a complete image tag

<?php echo get_gravatar( '[email protected]', 180 )?>


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