Digital Static / Snow with Python 3 and curses
Python 3.7 +
pip install digital_static
- Q or q = To quit
- b = Toggle black and white mode
- C = Switch to color mode
- c = Toggle cycle color mode
- a = Toggle enable additive mode r,t,y,u,i,o to add and remove colors
- d = Reset to default settings
- 0 to 9 = Delay Speed
- shift 1 to 5 = Cycle color delay when inn cycle color mode
- l = Clear the screen, wait 2 seconds and start again.
- f = Freeze the screen until f is pressed again.
- z = Cycle through test patterns
- w = Display a fake blue screen of death
Change colors while running
- r = Red
- t = Green
- y = Blue
- u = Yellow
- i = Magenta
- o = Cyan