Currently supported:
- RGB Streaming
- Depth Streaming (Raw Depth and Depth as Color)
- Point Cloud
Most important realsense parameters can be controlled with ofParameter, including postprocessing filters.
- Intel® RealSense™ Depth Cameras D435
- Intel® RealSense™ Depth Cameras D415
- Intel® RealSense™ Depth Modules D400, D410, D420, D430
- Intel® RealSense™ Vision Processor D4m
- Intel® RealSense™ Tracking Module (limited support)
- Windows 10 (Build 1803 or later)
- OSX 10.15.3
- Ubuntu 16.04/18.04 LTS (Linux Kernels 4.4, 4.8 ,4.10, 4.13 and 4.15)
- Windows 8.1
- Openframeworks release 0.11.0.
- Microsoft Visual Studio Community edition 2017
- XCode 11.3
- Openframeworks addon ofxGui
- Clone/unzip this repo into the <openframeworks>/addons/ folder.
- BE AWARE: This repo is using LFS for its binary libraries..
Use project generator to create the Visual Studio and XCode project files by pressing 'import' and navigate to this addons example folder. press 'update'.
open Visual Studio project.
- /libs/IntelRealSense_2.xx.x/lib/vs/x64/Intel.Realsense.dll
- /libs/IntelRealSense_2.xx.x/lib/vs/x64/realsense2.dll
- /libs/IntelRealSense_2.xx.x/lib/vs/x64/realsense2.lib
into the bin folder.
choose solution platform x64 and build the app. (only libraries for x64 are provided with this ofx)
- open XCode project.
- If you desire the create a standalone app you have to make the following changes to the XCode project:
- select the project inside the project navigator
- select tab Build Phases
- press + and select 'New Run script phase'
- copy paste the following code:
- switch active scheme to Release.
- run build.
- the created app should have now have the needed realsense library inside the bundle.
Martin Froehlich
this addon is loosely based on, however it has been heavily altered on order to make it compatible with the current RSSDK.
contains the relevant libraries/includes from Intel® RealSense™ SDK 2.0 (build 2.33.1)