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A fun FRC bingo!

How to contribute

We welcome all contributors to help us build FRC Kickoff Bingo! Feel free to submit pull requests or fork and make your own spin-off.

After cloning this repository, you should be able to view a local version of the site by opening index.html in your preferred browser. Check out our Issues if you want to find a place to start.

If you want to submit tile values to add to the randomized board possibilities, edit this file.

Make sure that:

  • Each value is on its own line
  • Quotation marks ("") surround each value
  • If your value has quotation marks inside of it, make sure you escape them (ex. "Someone says "FIRST is awesome"")
  • There is a comma at the end of each line, after the final quotation mark
  • The final value does not need a comma

How to run as a part of the team site

(This isn't really necessary for people not on the team.)
This assumes you already have Jekyll set up; if you don't, head here.

  1. Make sure you have a local version of the main website:
    git clone

  2. Navigate into the repository:

  3. Clone this reposititory into the main website:
    git clone
    The .gitignore has /bingo in it so this repo won't be tracked by git while in the main website's folder. But if you cd into /bingo, you can still commit changes to this repo.

  4. Run jekyll serve to see the website on http://localhost:4000.

  5. If you get any errors or warnings, try running bundle exec jekyll serve instead.