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Syntax Guide
Here the syntax of Idris
is described.
As with the Manual this guide is in-progress and unofficial, and naturally contributions are most welcome!
Examples are mostly adapted from the Idris tutorial.
A variable is always defined by defining its type on one line, and its value on the next line, using the syntax
<id> : <type>
<id> = <value>
x : Int
x = 100
hello : String
hello = "hello"
In Idris, types are first class values. So a type declaration is the same as just declaration of a variable whose type is Type
. In Idris, variables that denote a type must being with a capital letter. Example:
MyIntType : Type
MyIntType = Int
a more interesting example:
MyListType : Type
MyListType = List Int
Idris provides two kinds of syntax for defining data types. The first, Haskell style syntax, defines a regular algebraic data type. For example
data Either a b = Left a | Right b
data List a = Nil | (::) a (List a)
The second, more general kind of data type, is defined using Agda or GADT style syntax. This syntax defines a data type that is parameterized by some values (in the Vect
exampe, a value of type Nat
and a value of type Type
data Vect : Nat -> Type -> Type where
Nil : Vect Z a
(::) : (x : a) -> (xs : Vect n a) -> Vect (S n) a
x + y
x - y
x * y
x / y
(x * y) + (a / b)
x == y
x /= y
x >= y
x > y
x <= y
x < y
x && y
x || y
not x
if <test> then <true> else <false>
case <test> of
<case 1> => <expr>
<case 2> => <expr>
otherwise => <expr>
Named functions are defined in the same way as variables, with the type followed by the definition.
<id> : <argument type> -> <return type>
<id> arg = <expr>
plusOne : Int -> Int
plusOne x = x + 1
Functions can also have multiple inputs, for example
makeHello : String -> String -> String
makeHello first last = "hello, my name is " ++ first ++ " " ++ last
Functions can also have named arguments. This is required if you want to annotate parameters in a docstring. The following shows the same makeHello
function as above, but with named parameters which are also annotated in the docstring
||| Makes a string introducing a person
||| @first The person's first name
||| @last The person's last name
makeHello : (first : String) -> (last : String) -> String
makeHello first last = "hello, my name is " ++ first ++ " " ++ last
Like Haskell, Idris functions can be defined by pattern matching. For example
sum : List Int -> Int
sum [] = 0
sum (x :: xs) = x + (sum xs)
Similarly case analysis looks like
answerString : Bool -> String
answerString False = "Wrong answer"
answerString True = "Correct answer"
Dependent functions are functions where the type of the return value depends on the input value. In order to define a dependent function, named parameters must be used, since the parameter will appear in the return type. For example, consider
zeros : (n : Nat) -> Vect n Int
zeros Z = []
zeros (S k) = 0 :: (zeros k)
In this example, the return type is Vect n Int
which is an expression which depends on the input parameter n
Arguments in anonymous functions are separated by comma.
(\x => <expr>)
(\x, y => <expr>)
%specialise [<name list>]
-- Single Line
{- Multiline -}
||| Docstring (goes before definition)
%lib <path>
%link <path>
%flag <path>
%include <path>
%hide <function>
%freeze <name>
%access <accessibility>
%default <totality>
%logging <level 0--11>
%dynamic <list of libs>
%name <list of names>
%error_handlers <list of names>
%language <extension>
New Foreign Function Interface
Tool Support
- Mini Projects, for those interested in contributing
- Libraries, available elsewhere
- Idris Developer Meetings
- Tutorial: Type Providers and Foreign Functions
- The Zen of Idris
- Profiling
Feature proposals ("dragon eggs")