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HomeServerRepo Setup HomeServer

  1. Boot from USB key
  2. Set language
  3. /dev/nvme0n1 (or whatever your drive is) set to be partitioned: Partition creator - max HDD
  4. Ignore warnings (you're only going for one OS on the server anyway)
  5. Choose time zone
  6. Server (Text Mode) for user interface
  7. Setup main user
  8. Turn on SSH, open SSH port
  9. Install
  10. Boot to HDD (newly installed)
  11. Login
  12. sudo zypper refresh
  13. sudo zypper dup -y -l --no-allow-vendor-change
  14. Add repos

sudo zypper addrepo && sudo zypper addrepo && sudo zypper addrepo

&& sudo zypper refresh

  1. Install packages

sudo zypper install emby-server && sudo zypper install certbot python-certbot && sudo zypper install msmtp && sudo zypper in nano && sudo zypper in apcupsd

  1. Update sudo zypper dup -y -l --no-allow-vendor-change

  2. Add users:

sudo useradd nasaccess && sudo useradd downloader && sudo useradd tom && sudo useradd kim && sudo useradd kmitchell && sudo useradd deluge && sudo useradd belwayguest && sudo useradd sonarr && sudo useradd jackett && sudo useradd Kim && sudo useradd rpi3 && sudo useradd rpi && sudo useradd suse && sudo useradd Tom && sudo useradd downloader && sudo groupadd nasaccess && sudo usermod -a -G nasaccess nasaccess && sudo usermod -a -G nasaccess tbelway && sudo usermod -a -G nasaccess downloader && sudo usermod -a -G nasaccess tom && sudo usermod -a -G nasaccess kim && sudo usermod -a -G nasaccess Tom && sudo usermod -a -G nasaccess Kim && sudo usermod -a -G nasaccess kmitchell && sudo usermod -a -G nasaccess deluge && sudo usermod -a -G nasaccess belwayguest && sudo usermod -a -G nasaccess sonarr && sudo usermod -a -G nasaccess jackett && sudo usermod -a -G nasaccess emby && sudo usermod -a -G nasaccess rpi && sudo usermod -a -G nasaccess rpi3 && sudo usermod -a -G nasaccess suse && sudo usermod -a -G nasaccess downloader && sudo usermod -g nasaccess nasaccess && sudo usermod -g nasaccess tbelway && sudo usermod -g nasaccess downloader && sudo usermod -g nasaccess tom && sudo usermod -g nasaccess kim && sudo usermod -g nasaccess Tom && sudo usermod -g nasaccess Kim && sudo usermod -g nasaccess kmitchell && sudo usermod -g nasaccess deluge && sudo usermod -g nasaccess belwayguest && sudo usermod -g nasaccess sonarr && sudo usermod -g nasaccess jackett && sudo usermod -g emby emby && sudo usermod -g nasaccess rpi && sudo usermod -g nasaccess rpi3 && sudo usermod -g nasaccess suse && sudo usermod -g nasaccess emby && sudo usermod -g nasaccess downloader

sudo usermod -g nasaccess tbelway

  1. SSH setup sudo mkdir .ssh && cd .ssh && sudo touch authorized_keys && sudo nano authorized_keys Paste key sudo chmod 600 authorized_keys && cd .. && sudo chmod 700 .ssh && sudo chown tbelway:nasaccess .ssh -R

sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config && systemctl restart sshd

RSAAuthentication yes PasswordAuthentication no PermitEmptyPasswords no ChallengeResponseAuthentication no

  1. Install docker sudo zypper in docker -y -l

  2. SAMBA sudo yast2 samba workgroup = BELWAYHOME During boot Open port in firewall

Add users:

sudo smbpasswd -a Tom && sudo smbpasswd -a tom && sudo smbpasswd -a Kim && sudo smbpasswd -a kim && sudo smbpasswd -a tbelway && sudo smbpasswd -a kmitchell && sudo smbpasswd -a rpi && sudo smbpasswd -a rpi3 && sudo smbpasswd -a suse && sudo smbpasswd -a downloader && sudo smbpasswd -a nasaccess && sudo smbpasswd -a emby && sudo smbpasswd -a belwayguest

Add config file:

sudo rm /etc/samba/smb.conf sudo touch /etc/samba/smb.conf sudo nano /etc/samba/smb.conf

or one-liner:

sudo rm /etc/samba/smb.conf && sudo touch /etc/samba/smb.conf && sudo nano /etc/samba/smb.conf


======================================================= [global] workgroup = BELWAYHOME security = user netbios name = HomeServer wins support = no dns proxy = yes usershare allow guests = No

guest account = nfsnobody

map to guest = bad user

   nt pipe support = no

[Media (read-only)] comment = emby path = "/mnt/storage/Media" browsable = yes guest ok = yes read only = yes available = yes writable = no

[Media] comment = For administration of Media path = "/mnt/storage/Media" browsable = yes guest ok = no read only = no available = yes writable = yes valid users = tbelway Tom

[Data] comment = Data storage NAS path = "/mnt/storage/Data" browsable = no guest ok = no read only = no available = yes writable = yes

[torrentpi] comment = access to torrent folder for torrent/pi box path = "/mnt/storage/torrentpi" browsable = no guest ok = no read only = no available = yes writable = yes valid users = rpi rpi3 suse

[Private] comment = Linux Server Share for the account alex path = "/mnt/storage/Private" browsable = no guest ok = no read only = no available = yes writable = yes valid users = tbelway Tom Kim kmitchell

[Downloads] comment = emby path = "/mnt/storage/Downloads" browsable = yes guest ok = yes read only = no available = yes writable = yes

  1. Open other firewall ports sudo yast2 Security -> Firewall -> Allowed Services -> Advanced ->

TCP 58846 59000 8096 9000 9117 8989 UDP 59000 59001 8096 9117 8989

  1. Add fstab entry: sudo nano /etc/fstab

#Raid Array UUID=dabd7365-2f27-4212-8cb8-cd9355c53167 /mnt/storage ext4 defaults 0 0

sudo mkdir /mnt/storage && sudo mount -a && sudo chown nasaccess:nasaccess /mnt/storage && sudo chmod 770 /mnt/storage

  1. Enable Emby sudo systemctl enable emby-server

sudo zypper in -y ffmpeg (only if necessary)

  1. Install deluge sudo zypper in -y -l deluge

sudo su downloader deluge killall deluge

cd /home/downloader/.config/deluge sudo nano auth


sudo nano /home/downloader/.config/deluge/core.conf

change allow-remote to true


sudo touch /etc/systemd/system/deluged.service

sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/deluged.service

[Unit] Description=Deluge Bittorrent Client Daemon Documentation=man:deluged [Service] Type=simple User=downloader Group=nasaccess UMask=007 ExecStart=/usr/bin/deluged -d Restart=on-failure

Time to wait before forcefully stopped.

TimeoutStopSec=300 [Install]

sudo systemctl enable /etc/systemd/system/deluged.service && sudo systemctl start deluged && sudo systemctl status deluged

  1. Setup deluge

Open deluge on another machine

Connect to


Download to: /mnt/storage/Downloads Auto add .torrents from: /mnt/storage/Downloads/torrents Copy .torrents files to: /mnt/storage/Downloads/torrents

Incoming Ports: 59000 59001

Disable Peer Exchange, LSD, and DHT

Encryption: Set Inbound and Outbound to Forced Level Full Stream, encrypt entire stream

Plugins: Extractor Label WebUi








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