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Tom Barbette edited this page May 7, 2020 · 3 revisions

EtherPauseSource Element Documentation


EtherPauseSource — Click element; creates and emits Ethernet 802.3x pause frames


EtherPauseSource(SRC, PAUSETIME [, keywords DST, LIMIT, INTERVAL, ACTIVE])

Batching: Batching natively supported
Ports: no inputs, 1 output
Processing: agnostic


Ethernet pause frames can be used for hardware flow control if the receiving device supports them. A pause frame specifies a requested PAUSETIME for how long the receiving device should pause its transmission. This pause time is measured in pause quanta, where a pause quantum equals the time it takes to transmit 512 bits with the current link speed. For instance, on a 1Gbps link, a quantum of 195 is equavalent to pause of 100 microseconds. The rate of Ethernet pause frames and the pause time can be used to achieve a desired aggregate link rate. SRC must equal the address of the device sending the pause frames.

In pull mode, EtherPauseSource emits a packet per pull request. In push mode, it generates a packet every INTERVAL seconds (with millisecond precision). INTERVAL defaults to 1 second.

Keyword arguments are:

  • DST — Ethernet address. Destination address of the PAUSE frames. Defaults to 01-80-C2-00-00-01, the special multicast address allocated for PAUSE frames. Can also be a specific station's address.
  • LIMIT — Integer. The maximum number of packets to emit. If -1, emits packets forever. Defaults to -1.
  • ACTIVE — Boolean. If false, does not emit packets. Defaults to true.


  • count (read-only) — Returns the total number of packets that have been generated.
  • src (read/write) — Returns or sets the Ethernet source address.
  • dst (read/write) — Returns or sets the Ethernet destination address.
  • pausetime (read/write) — Returns or sets the pause time value.
  • limit (read/write) — Returns or sets the LIMIT parameter.
  • reset_counts (write) — Resets the packet count. This may cause EtherPauseSource to generate LIMIT more packets.
  • active (read/write) — Returns or sets the ACTIVE parameter.


 EtherPauseSource(00:1e:13:22:48:91, 390)
 -> ToDevice;

Generated by click-elem2man from ../elements/ethernet/etherpausesource.hh:7 on 2020/05/07.

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