1.Unity import FBX from 3DMax , Material ball must only one, or CustomShader maybe not work. 2.TypeScript: "arr.splice(0,1)" delete the first value in Array;"arr.splice(0)" clear the Array.
1.Unity Particle Color Params warning(If use gradientColor): a.GradientDataColor warning:alpha data length is large than 4, will ignore the middle data. b.GradientDataColor warning:rgb data length is large than 4, will ignore the middle data. c.ShurikenParticleSystem:the maxParticleCount multiply mesh vertexCount is large than 65535.(Limit MaxParticleCount in Unity) d.Particle Effect parent node cannot add Particle Component. 2.Unity Mesh cannot use ShurikenParticleMaterial.
//MODIFY laya.core.js if (!mainResou && createRes instanceof Resource){ createRes._addReference(); createRes._setCreateURL(url); }
//Laya UI List 1.if u try to clear a List(Box), u must type "list.array = [];" and "list.itemRender = null;".
//Laya Asset Manager 1.ClearRes if u instantiate a ".lh" Resource, before ClearRes u must call "destroy(true)". (particle Resources must destroy children); 2.class Scene3D "_animatorPool" && "_timer" memory leak.
//laya.d3.js (v2.8.0) class TrailGeometry method "_resetData", "Laya.Resource._addMemory" is after "this._vertexBuffer1.destroy();", "this._vertexBuffer1._byteLength" and "this._vertexBuffer2._byteLength" are Zero
//Laya Preload ".lh" files completed, but ParticleShuriken compile shader cost lot of times, u must pre-compile these shader with "compileShaderByDefineNames". 1.Shader3D.debugMode = true; 2.Run ur games. 3.Copy shaderinformation. 4.Modify ur "InitShader" function, add code like this "Laya.Shader3D.compileShaderByDefineNames("PARTICLESHURIKEN" ,0 ,0,["DIFFUSEMAP","ADDTIVEFOG","HORIZONTALBILLBOARD","COLOROVERLIFETIME","SIZEOVERLIFETIMECURVE","TINTCOLOR"]);"
//laya.d3.js (v2.9.0) About "Class Animator -> _setClipDatasToNode -> _applyFloat", if pro is Vector3 or Vector4, then modify its params, cannot Call "set" Function. If "set" Function includes "AddDefine or RemoveDefine", some Shader Define maybe wrong.(e.g. EffectMaterial shaderpass "#ifdef TILINGOFFSET")
//laya UI (v2.9.0) if use Laya.GlowFilter, sprite mask will be invalid.
Laya2.12.0人物模型导出标准(带骨骼遮罩) 1.创建完avatarMask后humanoid不用标 laya不支持,只需要开关下面的骨骼节点 2.需要分层的动作比如跑和攻击,创建上下两部分的clip,在clip的mask选项里面勾选事先创建好的mask copy from other mask指定后预览看效果,确定没有异常 3.上身动画勾选Bip001和BipSpine及其子节点,其他节点全部disable 4.下身动画勾选Bip001和Bip001 Pelvis及其子节点,其他节点全部disable 5.animator controller中的layers面板下不需要指定mask,全部在clip里面指定好 6.up层级里面配置:上半身攻击、上半身walk、上半身run、上半身idle、全身skill、全身庆祝、全身死亡 7.down层级里面配置:下半身攻击、下半身walk、下半身run、下半身idle 8.每个工程的文件目录严格控制为FBX、Material、Texture、Scenes、Animation以及Laya插件附带的LayaAir3D和StreamingAssets
游戏动作逻辑 1.非移动状态:全身攻击->全身idle 2.移动状态:上半身walk循环 或 上半身攻击->上半身idle 下半身walk循环