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Contacts Book API 📔

This is an API for a contacts book that allows managing contacts.


  • Express.js - Web application framework for Node.js
  • Mongoose - Object Data Modeling (ODM) library for MongoDB and Node.js
  • bcrypt - Library for hashing passwords
  • cors - Middleware for handling Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)
  • Gravatar - Library for getting user avatars from Gravatar
  • Joi - Data validation library
  • jsonwebtoken - Library for creating and verifying JSON Web Tokens (JWT)
  • morgan - HTTP request logger middleware
  • multer - Middleware for handling file uploads in multipart/form-data format


  1. Clone the repository: git clone
  2. Navigate to the project folder: cd nodejs-homework-rest-api
  3. Install dependencies: npm install


  • Start server in production mode: npm start
  • Start server in development mode: npm run start:dev
  • Run ESLint for code check (execute before each PR and fix all lint errors): npm run lint
  • Run ESLint with automatic fixes for simple errors: npm run lint:fix


User Authentication Routes (/api/users):

  • POST /register: User registration. Validates the request body against the specified schema and calls AuthController.register.

  • POST /login: User login. Validates the request body against the specified schema and calls AuthController.login.

  • GET /current: Get current user's information. Protected by the authenticate middleware.

  • POST /logout: User logout. Protected by the authenticate middleware.

  • PATCH /avatars: Update user's avatar. Protected by the authenticate middleware and expects a file upload using multer.

  • GET /verify/:token: Verify user account by providing the verification token.

  • POST /verify: Request email verification. Validates the request body against the specified schema.

Contacts Routes (/api/contacts):

  • GET /: Get the list of contacts. Protected by the authenticate middleware.

  • GET /:contactId: Get a specific contact by ID. Protected by the authenticate middleware, validates the contact ID, and checks if the authenticated user is the owner.

  • POST /: Add a new contact. Protected by the authenticate middleware, validates the request body.

  • PATCH /:contactId/favorite: Update the favorite status of a contact. Protected by the authenticate middleware, validates the contact ID, and checks if the authenticated user is the owner.

  • DELETE /:contactId: Remove a contact by ID. Validates the contact ID.

  • PUT /:contactId: Update a contact by ID. Protected by the authenticate middleware, validates the contact ID, and checks if the authenticated user is the owner.