Currently PlatformIO doesn't support ADF natively, so there are some steps to get it working. You can just clone this repo and start using it, but I have also listed the steps below.
Note: currently the espressif32 is seto to 6.6.0 in platformio.ini, this is just as I know this version works.
(you can look at the git history of project to see the steps taken too)
- Create a new Platform IO project
- Add ESP-ADF submodule with this command:
git submodule add esp-adf
- Clone all nested submodules with this command:
git submodule update --init --recursive
- Setup platformio.ini settings:
board_build.embed_txtfiles =
build_flags =
-I lib/esp_peripherals/
build_unflags =
- Add ADF components to root CMakeLists.txt:
list(APPEND EXTRA_COMPONENT_DIRS "esp-adf/components")
- Change setting in sdkconfig.esp32dev:
- Change setting in sdkconfig.esp32dev:
(This was needed in espressif32 6.6 but not 6.5)
- You can just move esp-adf/components to /components and don't need full git repository
- You don't need esp-adf/esp-idf (typically old version):
git submodule deinit esp-idf
- Add to CMakeLists.txt:
set(COMPONENT_SRCS adf_music.mp3)
- Add to platformio.ini:
board_build.partitions = partitions.csv
- Add data/adf_music.mp3
- Add partitions.csv
- Use main.c attached
- Make sure to "Upload Filesystem Image"