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Folders and files

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Repository files navigation


  • It's a daily life Todo list.
  • It has both backend(Django) & frontend(HTML, CSS & JavaScript).
  • Single page application(SPA).
  • Login and Registration feature.
  • Future implementation:
    • Frontend version of iOS & Android platform.
  • Live project deployed on PythonAnywhere.

Project Setup

Clone the repository

git clone

Locate into the Project directory

cd TodoList

Install virtualenv

pip install virtualenv

Create virtual environment

python -m venv [name]

Activate virtual environment(Windows)


Activate virtual environment(Linux & macOS)

source [name]/bin/activate

Install all requirements

pip install -r requirements.txt

Migration query into the default database

python migrate

Run server

python runserver

MySQL Setup

  • We will download & setup MySQL into your local machine.
  • Download Page

MySQL with Django Application

  • Please read this tutorial and configure PyMySQL package within the project
  • We will avoid putting the database credentials into the file. Because it will expose your database credential when we will upload code or host our project in public.

Create .env file using CMD

  • From project root directory go we will enter the TodoApp directory.
cd TodoApp
  • We will make a .env file.
touch .env
  • Copy all the variables from the .sample_env file and paste it into the .env file
  • Please put the variable values for database credentials and local directory path etc.

Thank you!

Thank you for checking out this project! If you have any questions, feel free to open an issue or contact me directly. I hope you find this project helpful and look forward to your contributions.

Happy coding!