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Releases: taltstidl/AppCompat-Extension-Library

Release 0.5.1

20 Mar 11:49
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This is a maintenance release for the existing components:

  • Deprecates TypefaceCompat: your app will continue to compile, however, the Roboto resources have been removed to conserve space and will no longer be applied on pre-Lollipop devices. Use downloadable fonts or FontsContractCompat instead. Thanks to @fountaingeyser!
  • Updates support library version to 27+
  • Updates AccountHeaderView: you can now build your own account classes based on the IAccount interface. The built-in Account class is still available to quickly get started. Thanks again to @fountaingeyser.

Happy coding!

Release 0.4.0

04 Aug 16:01
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This release contains a couple of improvements to the existing components:

  • Updates support library version to 24.1.1
  • Updates FloatingActionMenu: you can now add more advanced label styles with elevation support back to API level 7 and touch feedback.
  • Updates AccountHeaderView: you can now show checkboxes and additional info (consisting of an icon and some text) in the account list. The dropdown arrow is now finally animated.
  • Updates TypefaceCompat: it now respects the system typeface if it is a custom typeface as opposed to the default Roboto typeface on API levels higher than 14. Thanks to @fountaingeyser for the pull request!
  • Fixes NullPointerException in AppCompatDatePickerDialog. Thanks goes to @athospg for the pull request!
  • Fixes for a few other miscellaneous things

Enjoy the new update and thanks for your patience 🎉

Release 0.3.0

04 Mar 16:41
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This is an exciting release for anyone who wants to use the beautiful picker dialogs presented in the Material Design guidelines (click here for reference)! The following has changed:

  • Adds AppCompatDatePickerDialog and AppCompatTimePickerDialog: easy-to-use, configurable and Material Design compliant dialogs that allow selection of dates and times. See the updated sample, the readme and the wiki for additional info.
  • Adds PlaceholderDrawable: usage of a simple placeholder is no longer confined to the CircleImageView (which internally uses this drawable). Build one using new PlaceholderDrawable.Builder(context).[...]build().
  • Updates support library version to 23.2.0
  • Updates FloatingActionMenu: you can now customize the spacing of the FloatingActionButtons with the app:fabMenuSpacing attribute.
  • Updates CircleImageView: you can now tint the placeholder icon by using the app:placeholderIconColor attribute.
  • Updates FlexibleToolbarLayout: it now handles text ellipsis better and has better default text sizes as well as SearchView support. Also fixes a bug with subtitle styling (thanks @TechnologySolutionsGroup!)

Happy coding everyone!

Release 0.2.0

21 Dec 18:35
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I'd like to thank everyone who has taken the time to contribute to this project or who has starred this project! This is a major release just in time for Christmas:

  • Adds FlexibleToolbarLayout for usage with the AppBarLayout instead of the CollapsingToolbarLayout: in addition to a title it can also collapse a subtitle and an icon!
  • Adds Delightful Detail Drawables: beautiful animations that work back to API level 7 including an IndeterminateProgressDrawable and a MediaControlDrawable.
  • Updates support library version to 23.1.1. Thanks to @athospg!
  • Updates FloatingActionMenu: it now has a default Behaviour class for usage with the CoordinatorLayout and Snackbars. Thanks again to @athospg!

Merry Christmas to everyone and happy coding! 🎅

Release 0.1.3

26 Nov 20:05
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  • Fixes issue caused by TypefaceCompat on pre-Lollipop devices

Release 0.1.2

10 Nov 12:12
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  • Updates support library version to 23.1.0
  • Fixes issues caused by update (in components AccountHeaderView and FloatingActionMenu)

Release 0.1.1

03 Sep 11:26
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  • Adds TypefaceCompat primarily for usage with the AppCompatActivity: support the Material Design Typography back to API 7 with one line of code! Thanks goes to @fountaingeyser.
  • Updates AccountHeaderView: you can now customize the placeholder by setting a custom circle color and/or a person image to a specific Account.
  • Updates FloatingActionMenu: you can now easily setup dimming for your activity with the setupWithDimmingView(View dimmingView, int dimmingColor) method. This also collapses the FloatingActionMenu when the dimmed View or the back button is clicked.
  • Updates CircleImageView: you can now also use Drawables (and resource ids) for the placeholder! The setCircleImage...() methods have been removed in favor of the default setImage...() methods for better support of image-loading libraries. Instead there's the setCircleImageEnabled() method to toggle circular images.

Release 0.1.0 (Initial Release)

20 Aug 12:19
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  • Adds AccountHeaderView for usage with the AppCompat Design Library's NavigationView: a layout for account management in the navigation drawer, complete with dropdown list.
  • Adds FloatingActionMenu for usage with the AppCompat Design Library's FloatingActionButton: a layout for an animated menu of floating action buttons.
  • Adds CircleImageView: an ImageView for displaying circular images and placeholders.