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This script is designed to make it easy to scan your browser history to search for sites potentially affected by CloudBleed.

Currently there is a massive list of CloudFlare-enabled domains, and some folks have created websites where users can enter, one-at-a-time, domains to check. While providing an easy-to-use interface, this suffers from the following problems:

  • It it tedious to check large numbers of domains
  • It requires that you share your browsing information with third-parties that you migh not trust

By contrast, cloudbleed-browser-scan allows those comfortable with a few command-line commands to privately search their web browser's history for domains that are potentially affected by CloudBleed in a matter of seconds. This allows you to see if there are any sensitive domains on the list, and thus you can just change your passwords and credentials on a hopefully shorter list.

Currently this script will run on Mac OS X, but porting to Linux should be easy. It currently supports the following browsers:

  • Firefox
  • Chrome
  • Chromium
  • Safari
  • Tor Browser

More on CloudBleed:

This Git repo has the following essential Git repo as a submodule. It provides a curated list of potentially-affected sites:

Install & Use:

Note that this Git repo has the sites-using-cloudflare repo as a submodule, so do note the --recursive option to git clone:

git clone --recursive
cd cloudbleed-browser-scan

The script prints some helpful messages to STDERR while the script is running. You can redirect the list of affected domains from STDOUT. The output consists of the following fields:

  • URL
  • Number of times visited (summed across all browsers)
  • Date of last visit (most recent across all browsers)

The two additional metadata fields make it very easy to whittle down a large list. Here's an example session:

> time ./cloudbleed-browser-scan > scan.txt
Loading CloudFlare domain list...
Loaded 4287589 domains.
Found 359 CloudFlare-associated domains out of 66235 domains from your

> awk -F'\t' '$2 > 10' scan.txt | wc -l

The above can read as saying that out of the 4,287,589 domains currently associated with CloudFlare, 359 were also found in my browsing history of 66,235 domains. Since the bug is reported as having been introduced in September 2016, the output is restricted by default to sites visisted afterwards. Furthermore, by eyeballing the scan.txt list, I noticed that sites that I had visited fewer than ten times were sites that did not contain any important information on them. Applying these restrictions, I was left with 28 sites to scrutinize manually. Of these, twelve are sensitive, and I will definitely change my passwords there.

Definitely a lot easier than entering in 66,235 domains into a Cloudbleed-checking website tool! :-)


Please feel free to file issues, and to fork & send me pull requests. Thanks!


Thank you to the following people:

  • axelsimon for suggesting to remove the dependency on having a GitHub account


Check browser history on Mac for CloudBleed domains.







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