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Release Steps

Chris Caspanello edited this page Feb 3, 2021 · 2 revisions

The release process utilizes the release-maven-plugin in. For this plugin we will simply use the release goal to handle version renaming and tagging. A GitHub Action will then trigger on any tag named release/*. This action will build & test the project and publish the resulting target/udf-azure-boards*.jar to a newly created release with that version number.

Published releases are found here:

To perform a release

  1. Ensure all changes in your workspace are pushed to GitHub
  2. At the root project run mvn release:prepare and walk through the prompts.
    • Remember release depends on a tag with the name pattern release/*
  3. Then run mvn release:clean to remove the rollback files.

Note: At this time we are not releasing this JAR to Maven Central. We may do this at a later time if we decide to package this plugin with our product.

Skipped Release Notes: 1.0.6 - GitHub Action feature was deprecated so this never released a final artifact properly

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