Releases: takahirom/Rin
Add JS, WASM target
As Compose Multiplatform supports them, we included the KMP target.
License change
As some code is imported from Circuit, I included credit to Slack in the README, but I needed to add Slack to the license. So I included the license in the code, README, LICENSE, and pom files.
What's Changed
- [CI] Remove unneeded branch filter by @takahirom in #13
- Add LICENSE information to LICENSE and README and pom files and codes by @takahirom in #10
- Fix package name of deprecated LocalLifecycleOwner by @takahirom in #11
- Add JS targets by @takahirom in #12
- 0.3.0 by @takahirom in #14
Full Changelog: 0.2.0...0.3.0
We have developed this year's DroidKaigi app using Rin without any issues, so we don't need to fix any bugs.๐
If you notice anything, please let us know.
Breaking changes
We were using alpha versions of Lifecycle and ViewModel. Therefore, we have updated some of them to stable versions.
What's Changed
- Add documents that explains difference with ViewModel and remember{} by @takahirom in #3
- Add RinBehaviorTest by @takahirom in #4
- Add readme section about projects using Rin by @takahirom in #5
- Fix GitHub actions by @takahirom in #6
- Update libraries to stable versions by @takahirom in #7
- Fix unresolved reference in Rin by updating Kotlin by @takahirom in #8
- Update version to 0.2.0 by @takahirom in #9
Full Changelog: 0.1.0...0.2.0
Use more stable versions.
Previously, we used 0.0.0-SNAPSHOT for lifecycle-viewmodel and 1.6.10-dev1557 for compose-multiplatform as they were recently created.
Now, we have upgraded to lifecycle-viewmodel 2.8.0-alpha01 and Compose Multiplatform 1.6.10-beta02.
What's Changed
- Stop using snapshot versions by @takahirom in #1
- Remove unneeded workaround by @takahirom in #2
Full Changelog: 0.0.2...0.1.0
First Experimental Release
I believe we currently have basic APIs. However, if there are any additional APIs you think we need, please let me know.
fun <T : Any> rememberRetained(
key: String? = null,
block: @DisallowComposableCalls () -> T,
): T
fun <T> produceRetainedState(
initialValue: T,
producer: suspend ProduceStateScope<T>.() -> Unit,
): State<T>
fun <T : R, R> Flow<T>.collectAsRetainedState(
initial: R,
context: CoroutineContext = EmptyCoroutineContext,
): State<R>
fun <T> StateFlow<T>.collectAsRetainedState(
context: CoroutineContext = EmptyCoroutineContext
): State<T>
Changes from 0.0.1
Set minimum sdk version to 21