Download TaggableBehavior.php and put it somewhere.
propel.behavior.taggable.class =
If you are using composer then just add:
"require": {
"smirik/propel-taggable-behavior": "*"
The ini-configuration would be
propel.behavior.taggable.class = vendor.smirik.src.propel-taggable-behavior.src.TaggableBehavior
Behavior creates two persistent tables:
- tags (id, category_id, name)
- tags_categories (id, name)
Tags are realted to tags categories. Relation field category_id is not required.
Add to schema.xml:
<behavior name="taggable" />
Behavior will add several methods to the Model:
public function addTags($tags, $category_id = null, PropelPDO $con = null)
public function removeTags($tags, $category_id = null)
public function addTag(Tag $tag)
public function removeTag(Tag $tag)
category_id is optional parameter.