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Build Status NuGet Version and Downloads count

Dapper v2.0.143 Newtonsoft.Json v13.0.3 System.Data.SqlClient v4.8.5 Microsoft.Data.SqlClient v5.1.1 Polly v7.2.4 Microsoft.CSharp v4.7.0

A simple NuGet package with tactical helpers, event store and projections

The package consists of three separate parts that can be used independently of each other:

  • Repository SQL event store based on Dapper for loading and storing domain events, handling aggregate versions with optimistic concurrency checks
  • Domain Domain-driven design tactical helpers for creating domain events, rehydrating aggregates, comparing value objects, handling entities and their identities
  • Projector A simple mechanism for handling projections of domain events and populating read models including retry policies and parallel execution

Check out Tactify, our example app implemented with Tacta.EventStore

Here are several common questions that can help you get started with developing your new app using Tacta.EventStore:

How to create the event store?

In the solution, you can find the SQL script EventStore.sql that can be used to create dbo.EventStore table in the database along with UNIQUE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [ConcurrencyCheckIndex] ON [dbo].[EventStore] ([Version] ASC, [AggregateId] ASC) that won't allow saving two domain events with the same version related to the same aggregate root. Practically, the index is used as an optimistic concurrency check during saving domain events in the event store.

 CREATE TABLE [dbo].[EventStore] (
        [Name] NVARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,
        [AggregateId] NVARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,
        [Aggregate] NVARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,
        [Version] INT NOT NULL,
        [Sequence] INT IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
        [CreatedAt] DATETIME2(7) NOT NULL,

 CREATE UNIQUE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [ConcurrencyCheckIndex] ON [dbo].[EventStore] ([Version] ASC, [AggregateId] ASC) WITH (
        PAD_INDEX = OFF,

How to create an aggregate root and execute a command that produces a domain event?

Here is an example of Ticket aggregate root with EstimateTicket command that fires TicketEstimated domain event. You can see some business rules protected there as well as how to rehydrate the aggregate root.

    public sealed class Ticket : AggregateRoot<TicketId> 
        public override TicketId Id { get; protected set; } // aggregate root identity
        private bool IsClosed { get; set; } = false;
        private bool IsEstimated { get; set; } = false;

        public void EstimateTicket(int numberOfDays, string createdBy) // estimate ticket command
            if (IsClosed) throw new Exception($"Closed ticket {Id} can not be changed.");
            if (numberOfDays < 0) throw new Exception($"Estimation {numberOfDays} in not valid.");

            var @event = new TicketEstimated(Id.ToString(), numberOfDays, createdBy);
            // apply method will add the event to the DomainEvents list
            // update the version of the aggregate root
            // and call On method to rehydrate the aggregate root

        public void On(TicketEstimated _) => IsEstimated = true;

How to save domain events into the event store?

After creating TicketRepository with the SaveAsync method as described below, you can save the changes made on the Ticket by calling await _ticketRepository.SaveAsync(ticket).ConfigureAwait(false).

     public async Task SaveAsync(Ticket ticket)
         var aggregateRecord = new AggregateRecord(ticket.Id.ToString(), ticket.GetType().Name, ticket.Version);

         var eventRecords = ticket.DomainEvents
             .Select(@event => new EventRecord<IDomainEvent>(((DomainEvent)@event).Id, @event.CreatedAt, @event)).ToList()

         await _eventStoreRepository.SaveAsync(aggregateRecord, eventRecords).ConfigureAwait(false);

How to fetch stored domain events and load the aggregate root?

For fetching the domain events from the database, create GetAsync method in the TicketRepository as described below.

    public async Task<Ticket> GetAsync(TicketId ticketId)
        var eventStoreRecords = await _eventStoreRepository.GetAsync<DomainEvent>(ticketId.ToString()).ConfigureAwait(false);
        eventStoreRecords.ToList().ForEach(x => x.Event.WithVersionAndSequence(x.Version, x.Sequence));
        var domainEvents = eventStoreRecords.Select(x => x.Event).ToList().AsReadOnly();
        return new Ticket(domainEvents); // constructor will rehydrate the aggregate root

Here is a method that can be part of a domain service for estimating a ticket.

    public async Task EstimateTicket(TicketId ticketId, int numberOfDays, string createdBy)
        var ticket = await _ticketRepository.GetAsync(ticketId).ConfigureAwait(false);
        ticket.EstimateTicket(numberOfDays, createdBy);
        await _ticketRepository.SaveAsync(ticket).ConfigureAwait(false);

How to create read models?

When creating a read model, do not forget Sequence property as it is mandatory and it is used to track applied events by projection worker. Here is a simple TicketReadModel.

   public sealed class TicketReadModel
       public long Sequence { get; set; } // required
       public string TicketId { get; set; }
       public string? SprintId { get; set; }
       public string BoardId { get; set; }
       public string Description { get; set; }
       public string? Assignee { get; set; }
       public int? Estimation { get; set; }
       public bool IsClosed { get; set; }

After defining a read model, create a table where the model can be saved. Also, create TicketReadModelRepository to be able to do crud operations on the model. Read model repositories need to be inherited from Tacta.EventStore.Repository.ProjectionRepository.

How to create a projection for a read model?

Let's try to create a projection for TicketReadModel. First, TicketReadModelProjection needs to be created and inherited from Tacta.EventStore.Projector.Projection. Then, for every domain event that needs to be projected to the read model, create On method and define how the domain event will affect the read model.

   public async Task On(TicketEstimated @event)
       var ticket = new TicketReadModel
           Sequence = @event.Sequence,
           TicketId = @event.AggregateId,
           Estimation = @event.NumberOfDays

       // in the read model repository define how to update the read model in the database
       // with information from the domain event we react to
       await _ticketReadModelRepository.OnTicketEstimatedAsync(ticket).ConfigureAwait(false);

How to run the projections as a background job?

Create a new worker background service and invoke Tacta.EventStore.Projector.ProjectionProcessor.

   public class Worker : BackgroundService
       private const int PullingInterval = 500; // database pulling rate
       private const int BatchSize = 500; // number of domain events that will be pulled in batch
       private const bool ProcessParallel = true; // if true, projections will be handled in parallel
       private readonly IProjectionProcessor _projectionProcessor;
       public Worker(IProjectionProcessor projectionProcessor)
           _projectionProcessor = projectionProcessor;
       protected override async Task ExecuteAsync(CancellationToken stoppingToken)
           while (!stoppingToken.IsCancellationRequested)
               await _projectionProcessor.Process(BatchSize, ProcessParallel).ConfigureAwait(false);
               await Task.Delay(PullingInterval, stoppingToken);               

Warning! Having multiple instances of projection worker is not tested yet. We can not guarantee read models will be populated as expected in case multiple instances are deployed. This feature is still in progress.