A collection of Blender creative coding experiments
So, Processing has Python Mode, which is a fantastic entry point into the world of creative coding. You won't outgrow Processing, but you might have the urge to delve into some more advanced 3D stuff---metaballs, particle systems, rigid-body/fluid/cloth dynamics, volumetrics, and so forth. The popular open-source 3D graphics package, Blender, offers all that with a Python scripting interface.
Sound exciting? You can get started now.
I couldn't have pulled this off without some help from these sources:
- http://web.purplefrog.com/~thoth/blender/python-cookbook/
- https://blenderscripting.blogspot.com/
- https://cgcookie.com/articles/blender-2-8-python-scripting-superpowers-for-non-programmers
- https://docs.blender.org/api/blender2.8/
- https://docs.blender.org/api/master/
- https://github.com/iklupiani/blenderscriptingwithpython
- https://github.com/njanakiev/blender-scripting
- https://github.com/zeffii/BlenderPythonRecipes/wiki
- https://medium.com/@behreajj/creative-coding-in-blender-a-primer-53e79ff71e
- https://slicker.me/blender/wreck.htm
- https://towardsdatascience.com/@5agado