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A Leaflet plug-in to create moving marker. Very useful to represent transportations or other movable things !


Follow this link: here

Compatibility with Leaflet Versions

Compatible with the latest stable Leaflet version leaflet-1.9. also should work with old :)

Browser Compatibility

This plugin internally uses window.requestAnimationFrame through the Leaflet function L.Util.requestAnimFrame


  • Let move your markers along a polyline.
  • You can zoom in/out, your moving marker will be at the right place !
  • You can pause or end the animation whenever you want.
  • You can deal with events.
  • You can make loop.
  • You can add the the point one by one.
  • You can add station at some points of the polyline.
  • You can control the rotation of allong the path.
  • You can also construct the path from a velocity with createMovingMarker
  • You can listen for events on step and station as well as loop and end
  • You can view the internal _rotationData
  • You can use the RotaionMarker helpers or other interpolation function


Add this line to your HTML file:

npm install endpoint-leaflet-moving-marker
firefox node_module
<script type="text/javascript" src="MovingMarker.js"></script>

Then add your first MovingMarker:

var myMovingMarker = L.Marker.movingMarker([[48.8567, 2.3508], [50.45, 30.523333]],



L.movingMarker(<LatLng[]> latlngs, <Number[]> durations [,<Object> options]);


  • if array of number : duration in ms per line segment.
  • if number : total duration (autocalculate duration in ms per line segment proportionnaly to distance between points).

Note: As Leaftlet's other functions, it also accept them in a simple Array form and simple object form (see Leaflet docs).

Options All the marker's options are available.

  • autostart: If set to true, the marker will start moving automatically upon creation. Defaults to false.

  • loop: If set to true, the marker will continuously loop over the polyline. If set to false, the marker will stop at the last point of the polyline. Defaults to false.

  • debug: If set to true, debug information will be logged to the console. Defaults to false.

  • center: If set to true, the map will be centered on the marker as it moves along the polyline. Defaults to false.

  • bound: If set to true, the map will be bounded to the polyline as the marker moves along it. Defaults to false.

  • zoompause: If set to true, the map zooming will be paused while the marker is moving. Defaults to false.

  • rotate: If set to true, the marker will rotate to follow the direction of the polyline. Defaults to true.

  • smoothrotate: If set to true, the marker's rotation will be interpolated to provide a smooth rotation effect. If set to a number between 0 and 1, it specifies the proportion of the segment length at which the rotation interpolation will start. If set to a number greater than 1, it specifies the distance from each endpoint of the segment at which the rotation interpolation will start. Defaults to true.

  • initialRotationOffset: Sets the initial rotation offset for the marker. Defaults to 0.

  • rotationEasing: Sets the easing function to be used for rotation interpolation. Defaults to "linear".

  • rotationExp: Sets the exponent value for the easing function used in rotation interpolation. Defaults to 2.



  • isRunning(): return true if the marker is currently moving.

  • isPaused(): return true if the marker is paused

  • isEnded(): return true if the marker is arrived to the last position or it has been stopped manually

  • isStarted(): return true if the marker has started

Note: Marker.getLatLng() still works and give the current position


  • start(): the marker begins its path or resumes if it is paused.
  • stop(): manually stops the marker, if you call ```start`` after, the marker starts again the polyline at the beginning.
  • pause(): just pauses the marker
  • resume(): the marker resumes its animation
  • addLatLng(latlng, duration): adds a point to the polyline. Useful, if we have to set the path one by one.
  • moveTo(latlng, duration): stops current animation and make the marker move to latlng in duration ms.
  • addStation(pointIndex, duration): the marker will stop at the pointIndexth points of the polyline during duration ms. You can't add a station at the first or last point of the polyline.


  • start: fired when the marker starts
  • end: fired when the marker stops
  • loop: fired when the marker begin a new loop

Note: Event are not synchrone because of the use of requestAnimationFrame. If you quit the tab where the animation is working, events will be fired when the tab will get back the focus. Events end and loop have the attribute elapsedTime to get the time elapsed since the real end/loop.

How it works

This plugin internally uses window.requestAnimationFrame through the Leaflet function L.Util.requestAnimFrame. When the browser need to repaint, the marker interpolate linearly its position thanks to the elapsed time.

Why do you just not use transitions ?

If your marker moves very slowly (1-2 min or more for one transition) and you zoom in, your marker will be at the wrong place and take a lot of time to be where it has to be. Moreover, you have to do some hacks to get the current position of the marker during the animation.

Future Features

  • Optimizations: clipping


Tests ;-)


MIT License


A Leaflet plug-in to create moving marker







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