A Python scripts runner composable. Run Python scripts in a Pyodide service worker
npm install usepython
Then use it:
import { usePython } from "usepython";
const py = usePython();
<script src="https://unpkg.com/[email protected]/dist/py.min.js"></script>
const py = $py.usePython();
<script type="module">
import { usePython } from "https://unpkg.com/[email protected]/dist/py.esm.js";
const py = usePython();
Load the Python runtime:
await py.load()
Listen to the install log:
const unbindInstallLog = py.installLog.listen((val) => {
console.log(`Installing Python, stage ${val.stage}: ${val.msg}`)
await py.load();
The install log object is a nanostore
It is possible to install some Python packages: either packages built for Pyodide, standard pip packages that will be installed with Micropip, or custom wheels
const wheel = '/acustomwheel-0.0.1-py3-none-any.whl';
const pyodideLibs = ['pandas', 'numpy', 'bokeh'];
await py.load(pyodideLibs, ['altair', wheel, 'vega_datasets'])
Run some sync Python code:
const script = `a=1
const { result, error } = await py.run(script);
The result is the last line of the script, just like a return value
See the documentation
To run async code use the runAsync
An optionnal namespace parameter can be used to isolate Python contexts:
const { result, error } = await py.run("a=1", "ns1");
The variable defined in the script will be accessible only in the same namespace:
const { result, error } = await py.run("b=a+1", "ns1");
To flush the context of the namespace and reset all user defined
variables use the clear
await py.clear("ns1");
Listen to the Python stdout output:
py.log.listen((val) => {
console.log("LOG", val.stdOut)
// val.stdErr is also available
const script = `print('ok from python')`;
await py.run(script);
The log object is a nanostore
Atom stores are available to listen to the ready state and execution state of Python. Example:
py.isReady.listen((v) => console.log("Ready state:", v));
py.isExecuting.listen((v) => console.log("Execution state:", v));
Vuejs example:
import { useStore } from '@nanostores/vue';
const isExecuting: Readonly<Ref<boolean>> = useStore(py.isExecuting);
const isReady: Readonly<Ref<boolean>> = useStore(py.isReady);