Orbit.java is a set of independent utilities or extensions around the JNATS ecosystem that aims to boost productivity and provide higher abstraction layer for the JNATS client. Note that these libraries will evolve rapidly and API guarantees are not made until the specific project has a v1.0.0 version.
Extension for retrying anything.
Extensions around Jetstream Publishing
Extension to get many response for a single core request.
The direct batch functionality leverages the direct message capabilities introduced in NATS Server 2.11 The functionality is described in ADR-31
The libraries are available in the Maven central repository, and can be imported as a standard dependency in your build.gradle
dependencies {
implementation 'io.synadia:{artifact}:{major.minor.patch}'
If you need the before it propagates to Maven central, you can use the Sonatype repository:
repositories {
maven {
url "https://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/releases"
If you need a snapshot version, you must add the url for the snapshots.
repositories {
maven {
url "https://s01.oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/snapshots/"
dependencies {
implementation 'io.synadia:{artifact}:{major.minor.patch}-SNAPSHOT'
The libraries are available on the Maven central repository, and can be imported as a normal dependency in your pom.xml
If you need the before it propagates to Maven central, you can use the Sonatype repository:
<id>sonatype releases</id>
If you need a snapshot version, you must enable snapshots and change your dependency.
<id>sonatype snapshots</id>
If you are importing the source code from this repo, please be aware that each project is its own library. Some projects have classes with the same name, but each project is completely independent on another, except if one specifically depends on another. For example, the publish extensions depends on retrier, but it includes the library via gradle, not the source code.