- The first task is to complete Exploratory Data Analysis for Kaggle LendingClub dataset.
- The second task is to build the prototype of a data pipeline to feed a data warehouse with data of this dataset.
- The data was downloaded from Kaggle.
- The data warehouse will allow data scientists and data analysts to interactively query and explore.
- The data warehouse can also be used as a foundation for machine learning model development.
- The data can be downloaded in the form of a CSV file.
- No duplicate records of loans in the future, as what we haven confirmed in EDA part
- Data Validation and cleaning are in general, since no specific usage was defined.
- The data pipeline need to automatically ingest the dataset into data warehouse.
- Database need be periodically updated.
- All packages in requirement.txt are installed
Python 3.7
PostgreSQL (currently on local machine)
The EDA of this dataset was given as EDA_notebook/lc_analysis.ipynb
- Input is a single csv file named 'loan.csv' under input folder
- Assume this dataset is for convenience of analyst to complete data visualization and statistics calculation, a single table contains all columns is better.
- Table 'loans' contains all columns we get from raw data
- Detailed Scheme is defined in pipeline_src/database.sql
- We create python functions to convert variable type, format date time columns and consider possible missing imputation.
- Pandas is mostly used to complete our cleaning task.
- We use sqlalchemy to create engine, and use df.to_sql function to write the dataframe into table.
- The output is a postgresql database with processed data
- For instance, the output can be a database named 'lendingclub', within the database, we have a table named 'loans'.
- Sample queries using the output:
To download, clone this repository first.
Before execute, use the pipeline_src/database.sql as a reference to config the database locally.
To execute, run bash pipeline_src/run.sh
To run test, run bash tests/run_test.sh
- Given detailed use cases, schema should be redesigned. For example, to avoid information leakage, variables only available after loans are issued should not be used during modeling, a consideration is that they can be stored in a separate table in our database.
- Using StringIO to save dataframe in memory instead of using df.to_sql with chunk size to reduce writing time
- Create more tests to cover more edge case in order to provide more robust data pipeline
- Develop data process functions that can process the data for further machine learning modeling (e.g. Outlier detecion and removal, accurate missing imputation, one-hot encoding for categorical variables)
- Currently, we are using postgresql database on localhost, considering the data size is not huge, AWS RDS free-tier can be an alternative.