Contains my daily learning that I want to share with you😃
(1) JIT + VM (Mobile & Desktop)
- JIT compiler converts program source code into native machine code just before program execution.
- “Just-in-Time” means making “only what is needed, when it is needed, and in the amount needed.”
- The file generated by JIT needs VM to run
(2) dartdevc
- Dart code transpiled into js code
(1) AOT + runtime (Mobile & Desktop)
The AOT compiler works by compiling your code before it is “delivered” to whatever runtime environment runs the code. To generate AOT snapshot
dart2native bin/main.dart -k aot
AOT generates single binary file that can run natively
(2) dart2js
- Platform exposes OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) widgets and service APIs for example camera to build UI and communicate platform services respectively.
- In cross platform world, OEM widgets and platform specific APIs can't be used directly because they are coming from different environment. For example, a Kotlin's android app is compiled to work with ART (Android Run Time) ecosystem. So, obviously it can't run on iOS which has no ART.
- React Native uses OEM widgets but solves the aforementioned problem using bridge (an abstraction layer) so that a developer does not need to be concerned about platform.
- Flutter uses completely different approach and uses Skia rendering engine to paint the UI so that OEM widgets are not needed anymore.
- Minimal Flutter app
- Android: ~4.4 MB
- iOS: ~10.9 MB
- Named : _numerator = 0, _denominator = 1;
- Redirecting
Fraction.oneHalf() : this(1,2);
- Returns an object not necessarily a new one
- Cases where it is very useful:
- To return an instance of subclass
- To follow Singleton pattern
- To return an instance from cache
- When all class variables are final
- It can be used as an annotation
class Todo{ final int title; final int description; const A(this.title, this.description) } @Todo('Chibi', 'Rename class') class MyClass { @Todo('Tuwaise', 'Change fielld type') int value; @Todo('Anyone', 'Change format') void printValue() { print('value: $value'); } @Todo('Anyone', 'Remove this') MyClass(); } void main() { MyClass myClass = new MyClass(); InstanceMirror im = reflect(myClass); ClassMirror classMirror = im.type; classMirror.metadata.forEach((metadata) { if (metadata.reflectee is Todo) { print(; print(metadata.reflectee.description); } }); for (var v in classMirror.declarations.values) { if (!v.metadata.isEmpty) { if (v.metadata.first.reflectee is Todo) { print(; print(v.metadata.first.reflectee.description); } } } }