- LCD1602 module is totally followed the datasheet of HD44780, nothing to care about.
- LCD12864 module is followes the datasheet of KS0108,which is rarely being seen nowaday.The things you need to pay a attention to is that KS0108 has no CGROM, you need to write everything you need to show in the RAM. When you want to show Chinese characters make sure the coding of chinese character is UTF-8 . When you setup the data you want to show in font.h , all you need to do is call the integrated program,and write the character you want to show dircetly.
- 模拟计算机文件夹存放着2023年电子设计大赛综合测评题目以及电路仿真文件,以及自己仿照实际综合测评板画的PCB文件,使用嘉立创EDA。
- tmc_QtTextEditor文件存放一个基于Qt6.6.1编写的一个文本编辑器。
- CEvent_CPost文件夹存放基于NevermindZZT修改移植的事件处理架构,用来解耦代码。