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Simple Conf Website

Jekyll template for creating simple conference websites. Based on Minimal theme.


Creating a banner

Write the text for the banner between the following tags:

{% include start-banner.html %}

<!-- Banner text here -->

{% include end-banner.html %}

Note: Text inside a banner needs to be formatted using HTML (e.g., <a href="">...</a> for links.)

Shows up as:

Creating multi timezone event link

Create a new <div></div> element with the unix timestamps:

<div class="time-fmt-local" data-start="1652374800" data-duration="3600" data-show-timezone-link="true"></div>


  1. data-start: UNIX timestamp when the event starts
  2. data-duration: Event length in seconds
  3. data-show-timezone-link: Bool to toggle link

Shows up as:

Creating an embedded YouTube Player

Create an embedded YT player with width 420px and 16:9 aspect ratio using the following tags:

{% include start-embedded-yt.html %}
{% include end-embedded-yt.html %}

Shows up as (when loading):

Shows up as (when loaded):

Creating a new event

Jekyll automatically collects events from the pages/events directory and organizes them into future, past and current events.

To create a new event, create a new markdown file under pages/events with the following content:

title: Event's title
layout: default
categories: past-event
when-happened: Some date here
when-happened-epoch: 1640075647 <!-- UNIX epoch, used for sorting -->
preview-img: assets/img/calm-kickoff/yt_thumbnail.jpg <!-- Preview image for events page listing -->

<!-- Markdown content for the event here -->

Each event should have only one of the following categories tag:

  1. past-event: Listed under "Past Event"
  2. cur-event: Listed under "Current Events"
  3. future-event: Listed under "Upcoming Events"

Creating new tab page (navigation item)

  1. Create a new markdown file in pages/ directory that starts with the following content:
title: "Page title here"
layout: default
categories: "navigation"
order: 4
  1. Make sure the categories field is set to navigation. Use the order field to set the relative order of the navigation items.


Configuration variables

Minimal will respect the following variables, if set in your site's _config.yml:

title: [The title of your site]
description: [A short description of your site's purpose]

Additionally, you may choose to set the following optional variables:

logo: [Location of the logo]
show_downloads: ["true" or "false" to indicate whether to provide a download URL]
google_analytics: [Your Google Analytics tracking ID]