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This was part of the course "Object Oriented Programming in Java"

The code that I have implemented varies for all modules, but please look into module6 for the final code.

A very basic Unfolding demo you'll find in the source folder. For more
examples visit, or download the template with

/** EarthquakeCityMap
 * An application with an interactive map displaying earthquake data.
 * Course Creator: UC San Diego Intermediate Software Development MOOC team on July 17, 2015.
 * @author: susheelKumarBhargavKaparaboyna
 * 2018-02-25:19:34
 * */

	Program contains:
	 Event handler that gets called automatically when the 
	  mouse moves. Using the event handler for mouse clicks
	  The map will display an earthquake and its threat circle of cities
	  Or if a city is clicked, it will display all the earthquakes 
	  where the city is in the threat circle

	Please go to the after set up and run as an Applet. If you're working offline, please set the "offline" variable to true;
     Helper method to draw key in GUI(used Processing's graphics methods here)

	 Method and an appropriate marker to check whether this quake occurred on land.  If it did, it sets the 
	 "country" property of its PointFeature to the country where it occurred
	 and returns true.  
	 Method to loop through the country markers or country features
	 (either will work) and then for each country, we can loop through
	 the quakes to count how many occurred in that country.

    The country markers have a "name" property, 
	And LandQuakeMarkers have a "country" property set.
-Helper method to test whether a given earthquake is in a given country.This will also add the country property to the properties of the earthquake feature if it's in one of the countries.
- Method to check if inside country represented by SimplePolygonMarker


Import this folder in Eclipse ('File' -> 'Import' -> 'Existing Projects into
Workspace', Select this folder, 'Finish')

Set the native libraries for your OS ('Configure Build Path' > 'Libraries' > Set 'native library location' of jogl.jar).

Switch Java Compiler to 1.6 if you get VM problems. (Processing only works with Java 1.6)


If the import does not work follow the steps below.

- Create new Java project
- Copy+Paste all files into project
- Add all lib/*.jars to build path
- Set native library location for jogl.jar. Choose appropriate folder for your OS.
- Add data/ as src


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