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Overview / Getting started : Cassandra user defined data type (UDT) with Spring boot 2

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Cassandra user defined data type (UDT):

User-defined types (UDTs) can attach multiple data fields, each named and typed, to a single column. The fields used to create a UDT may be any valid data type, including collections and other existing UDTs. Once created, UDTs may be used to define a column in a table.

Link :

  • Spring version : 2.2.6.RELEASE (should be above than : 1.5.0.RELEASE)
  • Datastax java driver version used for this project : 3.9.0

Tools and Technologies

  1. Gradle (5 and above) :
  2. IntelliJ or any editor :
  3. Spring boot 2 :
  4. Datastax Cassandra 3.x :
  5. OR Apache Cassandra :

Can be downloaded from the links.


  1. Gradle : Gradle should be installed and working. We should be able to build with gradle.
  2. IntelliJ or any editor : Intellij or any editor to see the code.
  3. Datastax Cassandra 3.x OR Apache Cassandra

Either datastax cassandra or apache cassandra should be running.

Setting up in local

Steps to follow to set up in local :

git clone
cd your-project/
gradle clean build
use the cql file (provided in the resources directory) to create keyspace and table
start the application by running CassandraUDTSpringBoot2Application main class


Database used is Cassandra. Cassandra dependency :

compile group: 'com.datastax.cassandra', name: 'cassandra-driver-core', version: '3.9.0'
compile group: 'com.datastax.cassandra', name: 'cassandra-driver-mapping', version: '3.9.0'
compile group: 'com.datastax.cassandra', name: 'cassandra-driver-extras', version: '3.9.0'

Keyspace and table details are present in the invitation.cql file which is in resources directory. Please create keyspace and table before procceding.

Spring boot 2 dependency

implementation 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-actuator'
implementation 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-web'
implementation ("") {
	exclude group: 'com.datastax.cassandra', module: 'cassandra-driver-core'

Removed the sparing data cassandra dependency as we need to use the datastax java driver.

Steps to follow to create an UDT

  1. We need to use the latest jar of Spring data Cassandra (2.2.6.RELEASE). Any version after 1.5.0.RELEASE is OK.

     group: '', name: 'spring-data-cassandra', version: '2.2.6.RELEASE'
  2. Make sure it uses below versions of the jar :

    Use datastax java driver :

    compile group: 'com.datastax.cassandra', name: 'cassandra-driver-core', version: '3.9.0'
    compile group: 'com.datastax.cassandra', name: 'cassandra-driver-mapping', version: '3.9.0'
    compile group: 'com.datastax.cassandra', name: 'cassandra-driver-extras', version: '3.9.0' 
  3. Create user defined type in Cassandra. The type name should be same as defined in the POJO class or Vice versa.

      CREATE TYPE cassandra_udt.address_type (
         first_name text,
         middle_initial text,
         last_name text,
         street_name text,
         additional_address text,
         city text,
         state text,
         zip text,
         country text,
         phone text,
  4. Create domain class for the user defined type : We need to make sure that column name in the user defined type schema has to be same as field name in the domain class.

     public class Address {
        @CassandraType(type = DataType.Name.TEXT)
        private String firstName;
  5. Create column-family with one of the columns as UDT in Cassandra.

     Syntax : address frozen<cassandra_udt.address_type>,
     Table :
     CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS cassandra_udt.invitation (
         invitation_date date,
         invitation_to text,
         invitation_id uuid,
         invitation_type text,
         invitation_message text,
         invitation_from text,
         address frozen<cassandra_udt.address_type>,
         primary key(invitation_date, invitation_to, invitation_id)
     ) with comment='Cassandra UDT Table';
  6. In the domain class, define the field with annotation -CassandraType and DataType should be UDT:

     public class Invitation { 
         -- other fields-- 
         @CassandraType(type = DataType.Name.UDT, userTypeName = "address_type")
         private Address address; 
  7. In the Cassandra Config, Change this :

     @Bean public CassandraMappingContext mappingContext() throws Exception { 
         BasicCassandraMappingContext mappingContext = new BasicCassandraMappingContext(); 
         mappingContext.setUserTypeResolver(new SimpleUserTypeResolver(cluster().getObject(), cassandraKeyspace)); 
         return mappingContext; 
  8. User defined type should have the same name across everywhere. for e.g

     @CassandraType(type = DataType.Name.UDT, userTypeName = "address_type")
     CREATE TYPE address_type
  9. It will be stored in the table like below. If you see, address has been stored in one column.

    2020-07-26 | ksushant | 3d022412-31db-419e-b329-63bbbc418970 | 
    {first_name: 'Test', middle_initial: null, last_name: 'address', street_name: '1314 Marquette Ave', additional_address: 'apt#1208', city: 'MINNEAPOLIS', state: 'MN', zip: '55403', country: 'US', phone: '6124454533'}
    | sk | Are you coming to the party? | Birthday

Api Reference

* Http Method : GET
* URL : http://localhost:9090/sk/invitation?invitationDate=2020-07-26

* Http Method : POST
* URL : http://localhost:9090/sk/invitation
* Request Body :

        "invitationMessage":"Please come to the party",
        "venueAddress": {
            "streetName": "1314 Marquette Ave",
            "additional_address": "apt#1208",
            "city": "MINNEAPOLIS",
            "state": "MN",
            "country": "US",
            "phone": "6124454533",
            "zip": "55403",
            "firstName": "Test",
            "lastName": "address"

* Http Method : PUT
* URL : http://localhost:9090/sk/invitation/{invitationId}

        "invitationMessage":"Are you coming to the party?",
        "venueAddress": {
            "streetName": "1314 Marquette Ave",
            "additional_address": "apt#1208",
            "city": "MINNEAPOLIS",
            "state": "MN",
            "country": "US",
            "phone": "6124454533",
            "zip": "55403",
            "firstName": "Test",
            "lastName": "address"


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