I am a final-year student from the Department of Computer Science and Technology, Beijing Institute of Technology (BIT, 北京理工大学计算机学院), under the supervision of Prof. Chi Harold Liu. I received my Bachelor's degree in Software Engineering from BIT (2015-2019).
My research interest includes mobile crowdsensing and unmanned vehicles, with the consideration of 5G communication modeling and reinforcement learning techniques. I have published more than 10 papers at the top international conferences (e.g., KDD, ICDE, CoRL, INFOCOM) and journals (e.g., TKDE, TMC). I am also one of the Student Liaison of RLChina committee.
Contact: I'm always glad to discuss or collaborate! If interested, feel free to email me at [email protected].
- Personal Pages: https://www.zipengdai.com (updated recently🔥)
- Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=e2c7Kt0AAAAJ
- Blog: https://www.zhihu.com/people/daizipeng
- Weibo: https://www.weibo.com/7285095799
- 2025.03: 🤠🤠 In my industry experience, I did not focus on developing my research skills. Currently, I am working hard to complete some papers to meet the requirements for the Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation of the Electronics Society. If I can graduate seccessfully, I will officially join the Polixir Technologies as a research engineer.
- 2024.05: 🎉🎉 My google scholar citations have exceeded 300!
My full paper list is shown at my personal homepage.
- AoI-minimal UAV Crowdsensing by Model-based Graph Convolutional Reinforcement Learning, Zipeng Dai, Chi Harold Liu, Yuxiao Ye, Rui Han, Ye Yuan, Guoren Wang, Jian Tang, INFOCOM 2022,
- Delay-Sensitive Energy-Efficient UAV Crowdsensing by Deep Reinforcement Learning, Zipeng Dai, Chi Harold Liu, Rui Han, Guoren Wang, Kin K. Leung, Jian Tang, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC), 2022,
- Distributed and Energy-Efficient Mobile Crowdsensing with Charging Stations by Deep Reinforcement Learning, Chi Harold Liu, Zipeng Dai, Yinuo Zhao, Jon Crowcroft, Dapeng Wu, Kin K. Leung, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC), 2019,
- Socially-Attentive Policy Optimization in Multi-Agent Self-Driving System, Zipeng Dai, Tianze Zhou, Kun Shao, David Henry Mguni, Bin Wang, Jianye Hao, CoRL 2022