Semantic Convention | Support | Changelog | Contributing | License
ODCD (OpenTelemetry based Data Collector for Telemetry Data) is a collection of stanalone OpenTelemetry receivers for databases, systems, and apps. All implementations are based on predefined OpenTelemetry Semantic Conventions. A standard OTLP exporter is provided to forward the data from this "Data Collector" to a Telemetry backend or an OpenTelemetry Collector.
- Java 8+
- Make sure Java SDK 8+ is installed.
java -version
- Get the source code from
git clone
cd otel-dc/rdb
- Build with Gradle
./gradlew clean build
Note: gradle 7.4 will be installed if you do not have it.
Make sure code is built with Java SDK 8+.
Refine configuration file (config/config.yaml) according to your own database. Right now we provide Data Collector for following databases:
- DaMeng database
*Note: We respect the OTel community conventions and consider more about popular database engines for conventionss. While we may create implementations from those databases without OTel support based on user requirements or developer contributions. *
- Start up your OTLP backend which accept OTLP connections. Right now we support following protocols:
- otlp/grpc
- Option-1: Run the Data Collector with gradle
./gradlew run
- Option-2: Find the deployment package (otel-dc-rdb-*.tar) generated by gradle in the "build/distributions/" directory, extract deployment files:
cd build/distributions/
tar vxf otel-dc-rdb-*.tar
rm -f *.tar *.zip
cd otel-dc-rdb-*
Then, make sure following configuration files are correct for your environment.:
- config/config.yaml
- config/
Run the Data Collector with following command according to your current OS:
Note: The default configuration file is config/config.yaml, you can also use environment variable "DC_CONFIG" to speficy the configuration file, for example:
export DC_CONFIG=config/config-oceanbase.yaml
Please refer to "How to create a new data collector".