JScoverage for node. Have been Modified to works both for binary executables and node.js modules.
for use in node.js modules:
$ npm install jscoverage
for use by binary executables just like the source version, just pull it to local and:
$ ./configure && make && make install
/** for nodejs **/
var jsc = require('jscoverage');
require = jsc.require(module); // rewrite require function
// pay attention to the second param, means do jscoverage process for this module
var test_module = require('module for test',true);
it('some test',function(){
//TODO test code here
// output the coverage when test process exit, you can custom your own coverage report
// because the jscoverage report is really easy to DIY
for javascript in browser,you need a node server to hold your js code,
when browser request the js file, using jscoverage to process the file content,
then output the jscoverage injected code .
var path = wwwroot + req.url;
// process single file
var content = jsc.processFile(path,encode);
jscoverage.processFile(path, encode): process single file, will return the process results
path: the file to process
encode: the charset of the file or content , encode: utf-8,gbk
jscoverage.process(filename, content, encode): process content input, will return the results
filename: this param is needed for _$jscoverage[filename], it is used as a key name.
content: script content,string type
encode: input content encode
jscoverage.processDir(source_path, dest_path, exclude, exclude_file, options): process every js file in a dir
source_path: the dir to process, support relative path
dest_path: the output dir to put result files
exclude: the dir to exclude, like '.svn|.git'
exclude_file: the file to exclude '.npmignore|.vimrc'
options: {}
jscoverage.require(module): automatic process when flag is true, will mock the node.js`s require
return the mocked require function ,which call as :
var mod = require(path,isInstrument);
jscoverage.coverage(): show coverage rate on console
you can custom this function to make your own coverage report!
======== mo.js ========
function inner(a,b){
return a+b;
exports.mo = function(){}
======= test.js =======
var test_mo = require('./mo.js', true);
test_mo._test('inner',[1,2]); // test private function inner
var inner = test_mo._get('inner');
inner(1,2); // call the private inner function of the mo module
test inner functions
same as _test
replace the inner object
get the inner object;
rollback the object replace by InstrumentedMod._replace();
you can re-defined the above extend api by call this config function
opt has properties:
jsc will test if your module is conflict with this inject functions , it is save!